Since basement units are the coldest, it won’t be as needed. If it gets too cold, heaters are much easier to operate

  • mieum
    32 years ago

    Depends on where you live and how the basement is built. “Sweating” concrete in winter can be a huge problem, and air quality is worse in basements.

    • @homelessOP
      12 years ago

      Is air quality worse in basements due to them having more floods? Like if a house was just built, would all the floors have the same air quality?

      • mieum
        12 years ago

        That could be a factor, but I meant more in that dust settles easily in basements because they are physically lower. We live on the first floor of a 30 story building, and even here we end up getting tons of dust. But air quality is also a big issue here in general. may not be so serious in other places.