The article doesn’t mention SSC directly, but I think it’s pretty obvious where this guy is getting his ideas

  • @steal_your_face
    23 days ago

    I’m here from !all but decided to read the article. This man is crazy af and cringe af.

    The Grays’ shirts would feature “Bitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … Y Combinator is a good one for the city of San Francisco in particular.” Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. In addition, the Grays would make an alliance with the police department, funding weekly “policeman’s banquets” to win them over.

      23 days ago

      What if the Technocracy Movement fucked NASCAR

      What if Nazis but the uniforms are Gildan instead of Hugo Boss

      What if fascists were stopped with atomic wedgies instead of atomic bombs

    • @self@awful.systemsM
      2423 days ago

      “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.”

      Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).

      got it, Balaji’s future is a lot like if the classic dystopian game Syndicate was written by a 6 year old. but something tells me this crayola Nazi shit mostly exists to make Tan’s equally monstrous and insane plans look reasonable by comparison, so Tan can continue to pay journalists to call him a moderate Democrat and shift the Overton window as far right as he can.

        1322 days ago

        You don’t understand, the Gray Tribe’s unique connection with the police, in conjunction with the crime-prevention drones developed by Anduril, will entirely eliminate crime like mugging. There will only be Grays hunting Blues for sport.

      • @self@awful.systemsM
        1122 days ago

        not true! you also have to take his ID, hidden where you’d never look for it (right next to the cash in his wallet you’re already taking)