• Count042
    6 months ago

    We have the numbers in what Iran says it spent, what Israel says it spent and what Israel said America spent.

    35 million for Iran

    Over a billion dollars for Israel

    And, according to Israel, over a billion dollars for America.

    The missile strike wasn’t a failure. It was a huge success for Iran. The screening cruise missiles and drones were there to be destroyed so the khybar ballistic missiles with 1500kg payloads could hit their targets.

    Iran notified America of when it was launching 72 hours before it did, and that is was only targeting military targets, thus limiting the potential target space that needed to be defended.

    Iran spent 1/2000th of what America and Israel spent. There is no way to view that as a success for Israel, or a failure for Iran.

    There is now a new calculus in the middle east where Israel will now face consequences when they attack other nations.

    They are scared.