Acropolis is fairly similar to diaspora* at this stage with the key difference being that being managed via the Collective Code Construction Contract which prioritizes the community around software over the technicals. Sign up at if you want to try the early results.

🛠️ If administration is your thing, #YunoHost is the easiest way to install #Acropolis. Version 2021.12.02~ynh1 still requires initial account creation via web interface and promotion to admin via command line but in the near future, admin account creation will be more seamless. Link to install on your YunoHost box:

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  • @southerntofu
    22 years ago

    Thanks for the detailed answer! (the TLDR should be placed on top, though :P)

    Do you have a link to your ecosystem review? I’m curious about the notes you had about Hubzilla in particular, because it’s the only project i know of which is user-centric (you have a single account for all your activities, unlike AP ecosystem where peertube/mastodon accounts are separate) and interoperable (federates with AP/Diaspora/others).

    What would you think about a server-agnostic federation gateway? Couldn’t we have a gateway that speaks all protocols and merely “translates”, and that’s marked as trusted by your local node? The problem with such approach is usually it’s implemented using a specific server API (eg. matrix-bifrost bridge requires a matrix server to setup) but i don’t see a reason it has to be this way.

    • weexOPM
      12 years ago

      I only considered about five projects, which was kind of silly considering there are dozens of projects out there and Hubzilla in particular I’ve heard about a lot. We could definitely use more different perspectives on how things can work in Magic Stone, it being so early, and with so much we don’t know. My perspective then was as a developer with a grand design for experimentation that has been replaced by the more incremental C4 process.

      I love the symmetry implied by a universal gateway that speaks so many protocols and understands how to map from one to another. In that vein a project called the-federation once worked on testing various protocols in one place and I bet a lot of that still works. Could be neat codebase to play with. That being said, it’s best for our community if we get to a problem statement. In this case, it might be something about disconnection or tribalism or lack of a global view, one fediverse kind of idea.

      It would be great to get your thoughts on this issue about pulling AP timelines together. Maybe once we solve that, or even in parallel, someone will pose another problem of collecting non-AP data and things will evolve from there.