Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe (⚠️Déprimant)


J’ai rarement lu un article aussi alarmant et sinistre que celui-ci. Et je crains que ça s’accèlère avec des effets boules de neiges qui dépasseront nos prédiction tant sur le plan climat et social. L’ile d’oléron, saint-michel, venise…l’eau potable qui deviendra salé suite aux secheresse… :(

An unprecedented leap of 38.5C in the coldest place on Earth is a harbinger of a disaster for humans and the local ecosystem.

the ice sheets and glaciers of west Antarctica continue to shrink. These are being eroded at their bases by warming ocean water and could disintegrate in a few decades. If they disappear entirely, that would raise sea levels by 5m – sufficient to cause damage to coastal populations around the world.

A critical example is provided by the algae which grow under and around sea ice in west Antarctica. This is starting to disappear, with very serious implications, added Hendry. Algae is eaten by krill, the tiny marine crustaceans that are one of the most abundant animals on Earth and which provide food for predators that include fish, penguins, seals and whales. “If krill starts to disappear in the wake of algae, then all sorts of disruption to the food chain will occur,” said Hendry.

The threat posed by the disappearance of krill goes deeper, however. They play a key role in limiting global warming. Algae absorb carbon dioxide. Krill then eat them and excrete it, the faeces sinking to the seabed and staying there. Decreased levels of algae and krill would then mean less carbon from the atmosphere would be deposited on the ocean floor and would instead remain near the sea surface, where it would return to the atmosphere.

#ChangementClimatique #Antartique #Océan

  • CaptKoala
    6 months ago

    I’ve been saying this for many years already, but we’re fucked guys.

    • Snoopy@peculiar.floristOP
      6 months ago


      We told them simce 1970 and almost all ecological initiative are being repressed by the current government. They don’t realize how serious it is.

      I’m curious about this summer with the olympic game in france. Doing sport during warm season is risky for their health and it will be broadcoasted around the world.

      I guess they will play early in the morning or at night. Dunno.

      I wonder what will be the new temperature reccord, we will reach.

      6 months ago

      With that attitude, we always would be. It’s certain there will be climate related disruptions, but there is still time to unfuck the planet in the longer run.