• AlexandrosTsolisOP
      3 years ago

      it’s because I was writing on reddit. I have screenshots here https://www.instagram.com/alexandrosltsolis/ Why? Because of what I wrote below.

      Humans have been writing stuff down, and when that happened exactly in their history…we really don’t care here to say,

      What I have to say here is that there is an impression in human beings that what they imagine, is what seems to be happening, and not that something else than what they can imagine seems to be happening, and that they can imagine how that is for the specific occasion.

      Let’s try to explain this with two examples:

      Exampe1: Before anyone started writing something down, what was happening around anyone wasn’t what was written down. (as there wasn’t something written down…)

      Example2: After someone writes something down, that the specific someone believes is what seems to be happening, in order for the specific someone to really find this out, the specific someone really has to do experiments…

      …and when you do an experiment you can have no results as an option, you can have the expected results, or something unexpected may happen.

      Whether something unexpected may happen when one does an experiment, one can simply verify, and even simpler prove to everyone by considering the below experiment:

      Pick a coin, choose a side and flip it as freely as you want to live.

      After you think you can decide the side the coin ends up facing you right all the time, and before you come back to me with long and tedious stories…I have a question for you?

      Regardless of the time and space you live, why didn’t you come now to tell me about it, as I am writing this long reply here…if you could predict the future…then why didn’t you predict it a bit earlier…look at how much stuff I have to write down here…waiting for you prophet…to come back to tell me that what seems to be happening is something you imagined, and not something else than anything anyone can imagine, which is pretty simple to say, pretty simple to observe, and seems pretty fair for any human…it seems to me.

      and remember…


      …yes really …what …NOT REALLY?!.

      otherwise written down the above is:

      · Something else than what humans can imagine has been happening around humans up to now since the beginning of humans…

      · or else before humans, what does it seem to you was happening in reality?..

      · Something that happened before humans, but that Humans imaginEd after their histoRy startEd GETting REAL, and not something else than what they can imagine?!.

      cause, otherwise, I don’t know man, you give us your view here where everyone can watch, cause do I really have to explain myself further than the following…


      That people view similarly over some time become…


      But ways that people view similarly

      OVER AND OVER IN TIME, become…

      …common sense.
