I bought a random cheap crystal oscillator off AliX. It was advertised as a “constant temperature crystal reference”.

I also didn’t know what voltage it took. I found a photo of a similar one which apparently needed 12 V. However, smoke started coming out when I tried 12 V.

It seems to oscillate OK on 5 V though. However, it seems to be fluctuating in frequency, and I don’t know if this is normal, or whether I have damaged it.

  • adude007
    1 year ago

    Well I learned a bit today. What’s the frequency variation for you XO? Some basic lookups seem to indicate +/- 2.5 ppm for a 10MHz XO which would be +/- 25 Hz. So it seems like your XO is working assuming your 27hour long graph was after your 12V BBQ.