yewler [she/her]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2024


  • transphobia, bad friends

    I need better friends 😔. I came out to one of the only people that actually stayed with me after the giant falling out I had with my entire friend group after my ex went and fed them all lies about me and they believed her implicitly without talking to me.

    He told me he “cares enough about me” to tell me that he doesn’t think it’s right for him to respect my pronouns, but that he still “loves and respects” me “despite my being trans,” whatever the fuck that means.

    I feel like I have virtually no one in my life that genuinely cares about me, and I don’t know what to do about it with my apparent inability to meet new people.

  • I literally didn’t have a favorite color as a dude I was so embarrassingly boring. I’m currently in the process of actually trying to figure that out and it feels nice not being an actual empty husk of a person.

    It’s just weird because having a favorite color doesn’t really have anything to do with gender but in a way I feel free to have one now in a way I haven’t before? Idk I can’t explain it but it’s 100% connected to being trans, and I’m not complaining. So much stuff has felt more open has far as self discovery is concerned. I feel like I’m actually starting to have opinions and interests and stuff, and it’s such a foreign idea to me.

    But virtually nothing has actually changed in my life due to being trans yet. I wear cute socks and a handful of people call me a name I like, but I already feel soooooooooo much changing in my mind just from realizing I don’t have to be a guy if I don’t want to.