• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • It’s the system that has been used in Britain and their colonies for centuries. It’s not perfect, but it has endured.

    I’m not saying we can’t do better, bit I am saying this is an existential change that we have to be careful about.

    It could literally destroy the country if not managed correctly.

    Since none of the current parties agreed, with not even two major parties agreeing, it seems like a bad idea to just force though.

  • None of the parties agreed, none of turn ever will, it’s too entrenched.

    This needs to be done incredibly carefully, and for people who think it should be easy, what happens in the next election when the CPC are expected to win a landslide majority, and Polievre says “let’s make a change, we have the numbers”

    We have what we have. It could be better, but it could be a lot worse.

  • Not wanting to vote for any of them doesn’t mean I won’t vote, I will absolutely vote.

    I’ve liked Trudeau for a long time, I just don’t think he’s a winner right now. The liberals were the only party that could have gotten Canada through the Trump years, and they did a good job during the pandemic. They’re a good steady state party that has done decent foreign policy, and decent economic policy, and they’ve had a long run.

    But on other issues they’ve been very middle of the road when we have really needed policy change, housing being the biggest one where action was clearly needed 2018, before the pandemic. Adding the mortgage stress test was a good step, but the first time home buyer plan and savings accounts did nothing, all their policy did was push demand without anything robust pushing supply.

    I actually like the carbon tax, but I wish they hadn’t folded on home hearing oil, they should have managed that better.

  • Yes, I miss Layton

    I don’t know why the NDP hasn’t come out swinging with a platform of no tax increases for the middle class, we’re going to bolster healthcare and take it off the hands of small businesses to turn it into a real benefit of doing business in Canada, and make it easier for small businesses to start up and compete, so your jobs aren’t going away.

    Give the average Joe job security, health security, and real opportunity, and then see how excited people can get.

  • Seasoned pollster Nik Nanos says he has never seen a political landscape quite like the one in Canada right now.

    For months, the Conservatives have enjoyed a double-digit lead over the Liberals. Does that mean it is a slam dunk that Pierre Poilievre will be Canada’s next prime minister?

    “Absolutely not,” Nanos says. “If Pierre Poilievre makes a mistake, his drop will be hard and fast. And that is true if anyone next to him makes a mistake. I think the Conservatives have to realize that it’s not that they’re winning, it’s that the Liberals are losing. It is not a validation of Conservative policy.”

    As for the NDP, Nanos thinks that with their numbers dropping in every byelection since their deal to support the Liberals, the deal will soon come to a close. That’s because the party will need a “six-month cooling off period,” to establish their own identity before voters next head to the polls.

    I’m inclined to agree. None of the parties are running anyone I remotely want to vote for, which is kind of insane.

    Dump Trudeau at this point. I think he thinks he’s falling on his sword, but he’s dooming the party. The OLP lost party status, I honestly could see that kind of result happen to the LP. If rather another Ignatief or Stephan Dion placeholder who you wouldn’t question as opposition leader than the party to get wiped out.

    Dump Singh, have you ever seen a less inspiring leader? He’s rich and doesn’t connect with the blue collar workers that the NDP should lean on. The NDP should be able to put forward a worker first platform that attracts a lot of southern and northern Ontario, easy, and probably appeal to Quebecors and environmentalists. .

    Dump Polloevre, or don’t, I’m not Conservative anyways. But Otoole was at least palatable to this lowercase liberal. Polluevre is a human shit stain wholly say anything to anyone to win. I don’t trust him, I don’t like his politics, I don’t like his policy. The Construction needs to stop yelling freedom and pretending their the Republicans, because it’s not a healthy position here in Canada.