very_poggers_gay [they/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2021


  • There’s a blurb from Wendy Brown that strikes a similar vein, getting at the cultural hi-jacking of “democracy” during the invasion of Iraq :

    “… Again, however, translated into neo-liberal terms, “democracy,” here or there, does not signify a set of independent political institutions and civic practices comprising equality, freedom, autonomy and the principle of popular sovereignty but rather, indicates only a state and subjects organized by market rationality. Indeed, democracy could even be understood as a code word for availability to this rationality; removal of the Taliban and Baath party pave the way to that availability and democracy is simply the name of the regime, conforming to neo-liberal requirements, that must replace them. When Paul Bremer, U.S.-appointed interim governor of Iraq, declared on May 26 (just weeks after the sacking of Baghdad and four days after the UN lifted economic sanctions), that Iraq was “open for business,” he made clear exactly how democracy would take shape in post-Saddam Iraq. A flood of duty-free imported goods poured into the country, finishing off many already war-damaged local Iraqi businesses. Mulitinationals tumbled over themselves to get a piece of the action in Iraq, and foreign direct investment to replace and privatize state industry was described by the corporate executives advising the Bush administration as the “answer to all of Iraq’s problems.””

    Although now, like CyborgMarx said, Global North imperial powers use “democracy” as a code word for whiteness, and according to their imperialist white supremacist logics, worthiness and humanity.

  • it’s hard to pick, but i really like Possessor (2020), it’s a cool dystopian science fiction horror-ish movie that scratches a lot of my itches

    i also rate some of the Andy Kaufman movies really high, like Synechdoche, New York (2008) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

    most of my favourite movies are just mindfucks about identity or memory, because that’s the flavour of my mental illnesses, lol