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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • I think you should post this exact same problem at least 9 additional times. I´m sure that will prevent people from making the *huge* mistake of buying a device that they spent enough time researching and will very likely like using a lot.

    Don´t “go to youtube for a fix”, cause the game is plug and play. Install it, and it runs. No steps required. You messed something up my guy.

  • I shouldn´'t have mentioned them anyway. A virtual machine is basically an operating system running on top of another operating system. Just my solution for not having to install things on the steam deck itself, but just not installing too many things is of course a better option ^^
    Installing unsupported plugins like deckly loader and using unsupported launchers like lutris or heroic probably are the worst offenders for giving an unstable user experience. If you just stuck to the officially supported stuff I´m sure things will stay working as they should.

    In case it ever breaks down, and your out of the warranty period, know you can always re-install the operating system yourself too. The thing´ll be as good as new after that :D

  • I don´'t use decky loader

    i don´'t use lutris or heroic launchers

    I don´'t leave it in sleep mode

    I do leave it plugged in, attached to the living room tv

    I do occasionally use it as a computer, i have a couple of programming IDE´s installed, discord, a matrix.org messenger, and use firefox as my default browser.

    I have used the steam deck for multiple 3-plus hour sessions. Both for gaming, watching video´'s, and other things.

    I don´t really like installing too many things on my steam deck, especially as a developer, because I always fear i install random dependencies for software that will eventually mess with the required libraries on the steam deck. As a solution, i run a virtual machine on the steam deck with another operating system installed. I use that for work stuff. It´s more than powerfull enough to handle it.

    If i feel stuff is slowing down, which has not been the case yet, i can just delete the virtual machines and the steam deck itself would be basically untouched :)