trompete [he/him]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2021

  • No. Linux doesn’t make your CPU go faster.

    The main thing where Linux helps on old hardware is that you can run it on less RAM, meaning you have more RAM for applications. And running out of RAM is very bad and slows everything down massively. If low memory is not your problem, it won’t be faster, or at least not significantly.

    The Linux GPU drivers for AMD and Intel are completely different from the Windows ones, and that can in theory make some difference (not necessarily for the better), but not a massive one unless there’s something fucked going on.

    There’s a bunch of other specific or minor stuff, for example file operations can be faster on Linux, but you’d only notice that if you’re doing some specific workload involving lots of small files, like switching branches on git or something like that.

  • Lol. I think I get a rough idea why this may be NP-hard (sounds like something you could use some constraint solver software to get a decently close-to-optimal solution in reasonable time maybe, though I don’t know much about this). But more importantly, factorio train cars have a ton of slots (like 50 or something of that magnitude, each holding 50/100/200 pieces of one item). You could probably put literally every ingredient in the whole game in a two- or three-car train. I saw a challenge run where someone did something like this, I think the challenge was to just use one single train and no belts at all. Anyway my suggestion would be to make one train only serve one recipe (or a couple) at a time and that problem becomes trivial and it’ll be better for throughput anyway.