zu testzwecken > this is my favorite alt acc on the fedi

  • 78 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • @bayaz It’s you who gave me food for thought, alongside many other moderators! I only found out yesterday how to properly ban spam accs on kbin.social.

    I really appreciate all efforts to grow and take care of communities, be it on kbin, on lemmy, or on mbin! Every day, I try to keep learning from other moderators.

    Given the sheer lack of moderation tools, many mods do great work. I hope the situation will improve so that moderatoring will become easier.

  • from the interview:

    “Yehoshua Radler-Feldman, known by his pseudonym R. Binyamin (1880-1957) was a Galician-born, observant Jew, a prominent figure in modern Hebrew literature and journalism, and, although a committed Zionist himself, a sharp critic of the Zionist settler-colonial repertoire of perceptions and practices. He was one of the prominent figures in the movements that called for the establishment of a joint Jewish-Arab political framework during the British mandatory period and criticized the Zionist alliance with and reliance on the British colonial authorities. He also turned against the secular Zionist notion of an exclusive sovereign that reclaimed Biblical Jewish existence in Palestine, while he adhered to traditional Jewish notions of existence in Palestine, Eretz Yisrael, which enabled him to explore the notion of binational existence. Following the establishment of the state of Israel and the Palestinian Nakba, he founded the journal Ner, which served to voice the demand for the return of the Palestinian refugees, and where various representatives of those Palestinians who remained inside the state of Israel (48 Palestinians) published their articles as well.”

  • from the article:

    The deductions over the last fortnight range between US$26 and US$80 (K100 and K300).

    “Frustrations boiled over so they got into their vehicles and stormed parliament…they opened the gates and went into parliament,” RNZ Pacific’s Papua New Guinea correspondent Scott Waide said.

    “There was no real resistance to stop them…it was a rowdy crowd, the defence minister had attempted to speak to them outside of parliament before they walked in,” he said.

    He said he has been told by government that the deductions are the result of tax glitches.

    "They are currently at parliament right now. I think somebody is addressing them, I’m not sure to sure whom as I’ve just seen the videos.

    "There’s a large group of police, army and correctional services personnel at parliament house right now, protesting over the deductions.

    “The public is relatively quiet, nobody from the public has joined the protest in large numbers. Everything has remained calm.”

    #png #papuanewguinea #pasifika #unrest #wages

  • from the article:

    40 percent of the 33 seats in parliament have changed hands as a result of the November 20 national election.

    Among high-profile incumbents losing re-election bids were fisheries and climate Minister John Silk, a 24-year parliament veteran who has been in the cabinet of multiple administrations, and Speaker Kenneth Kedi, who has been an outspoken advocate for justice for nuclear test-affected people of Rongelap, his home atoll, and the entire Marshall Islands.

    Voting data provided by the electoral office shows extremely low voter turnout, based on the number of registered voters.

    There is no way to determine if the number of voters listed on the Electoral Administrations eligible list of voters is accurate. But based on the available data, only 33 percent - 17,998 - turned out to vote of the 55,167 registered voters.

    The postal absentee ballots were particularly problematic. With nearly half the Marshall Islands population now residing in the United States, postal absentee voters could have a major impact on the outcome of national elections. As a result of only a few ballots arriving in time to be counted, only one parliament race was changed by offshore voters.

    The Electoral Administration mailed out 3,752 postal ballots to voters - over 1,600 less than one week before the deadline for voters to mail them back to the Marshall Islands - and only 1,469 returned before the December 4 deadline. But only 1,117 postal absentee ballots - 30 percent of those mailed out - were ultimately accepted and counted.

    #marshallIslands #pasifika #elections #colonialism

  • from the article:

    Boundaries only scratched the surface of the complaints many St. Johnians have expressed regarding the parks. Congresswoman Plaskett listened to accounts from several residents, including Lorelei Monsanto, who insinuated that the National Park Service has wrongfully claimed land belonging to their families. “They still owe us 300 acres of land,” stated Ms. Monsanto, who explained that her mother had successfully sued the NPS to recover some of the family’s property. “The park has stolen and still needs to give us back the land they stole."

    Raymond Roberts, who said that his family on St. John could be traced back five generations, revealed that his family is currently in court with the National Park Service over land that had been in his family for centuries. “How could they own all property that four generations before me have been living on?” Mr. Roberts asked. According to him, upon the death of his grandmother in 2004, the matter was thought to have been settled, but as another resident revealed, the NPS requested that the case be reopened, and “insists on fighting them for their property.”

    Abigail Hendricks, the resident in question, also raised concerns over increasing property taxes on “landlocked” land within the National Park’s boundaries. “So then all of a sudden, now my land tax has gone way up because I’m a part of the National Park,” she complained. She detailed land access issues, saying that several roads to access owned properties within the park have been blocked off. “How do you block me from getting to my property, but the government expects us to still pay for it?” asked Ms. Hendricks. That question was met with rousing applause.

    #virginIslands #caribbean #mismanagement #corruption

  • from the article:

    The undated letter outlines several concerns, including “the increasing state of public corruption; the high level of violent crime; the [Government’s] failure to provide promised service delivery; unfulfilled promises to the diaspora regarding its involvement in the political process; and the legal defence that diaspora members do not have standing to sue the Government”.

    It came above the signature of Dr Rupert Francis, who was identified as chairman of the Jamaica Diaspora Crime Intervention & Prevention task force.

    According to the retired Jamaica Defence Force captain, the letter was written on behalf of concerned Jamaicans living in Jamaica and the diaspora and is a call to action.

    “I wish to inform you, and by extension, the Jamaican Government, that the diaspora will engage Jamaica’s international partners to seek redress of our grievances. These international partners will include donor countries and organisations and Congressional/Parliamentary committees,” Francis wrote in the letter.

    “We recognise that there are issues of corruption. Of course we recognise that there are issues of crime and violence. Of course, we recognise that there are issues with education. But this is where we have to build the country with our capacity as Jamaicans living overseas. To help with best practices and to invest in those start-up entrepreneurs,” said Peat.

    #jamaica #caribbean #caricom #corruption