• 3 Posts
Joined vor 2 Monaten
Cake day: 17. April 2024


  • sudo42@lemmy.worldtoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldOxygen
    vor 6 Tagen

    In high school, there was a minor tradition of trolling the chemistry teacher during his talks about air. One student would say, “If I can’t see it, I don’t believe it.”

    Of course the teacher would fall for it hook, line and sinker and the rest of the hour was spent arguing for air while the student would just repeat the same line again and again.

    Good for me to remember that trolling and the resulting flame wars were around even before the internet. :-)

  • What this will mean is middle management will fire all the line managers. Your only contact with management will be through one of their AI’s.

    [Robot Voice] Work harder! Your vacation is denied. Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions! There’s no way your solution will work. Drive this bus off the cliff or find another job! Write a 15-page self-assessment of your accomplishments this quarter. Your performance review is 0 out of 5. Your pay is cut 10%. No, I did not read your self-assessment. I didn’t have time. Our company has failed. I’m giving myself a $2M severance. You are fired.

  • Look, I hate Trump.

    But I do think he is a symptom of a larger problem. There’s a bit portion of America – Blue and Red – that aren’t being served well by American politics. We have a huge homeless problem, millions can’t find good jobs, millions can’t afford to rent – let alone buy – homes. Higher education costs are through the roof. Health care costs are through the roof. (I guess I should move away from using the expression “through the roof” when discussing how many people are homeless, but I digress.)

    We’ve got big problems and it doesn’t matter whether you’re Blue or Red or who you blame – those problems aren’t being addressed in a meaningful way.

    Trump could disappear tomorrow (Are you listening, God? It’s America) and we’re still going to have a big portion of our country out of work, out of home and out of health with a bleak future to look forward to.

    Desperate people turn to extremism and religion. I’m not excusing that behavior, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t come from nowhere.

    People that are happy, secure, treated justly/equally/fairly, have good incomes, can educate their kids, afford healthcare and can retire safely will not try to overthrow their government because there will be no one willing to listen to them.