• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s a good question because the clone army based on Jango Fett shows that cloning tech is basically perfected in this universe. But the conditions were less than perfect in Palpatine’s case. Jango Fett was there in the facility, young and healthy and giving fresh blood samples daily. Palpatine died unexpectedly, was already old, and they might have had to clone him from whatever they could find, like the smell of his farts on his throne cushion or whatever. Cloning is copying so source fidelity matters.

  • It’s not like YT is a democracy LOL

    And YT was never free. It has had ads from the beginning. Perhaps not its very first months as a startup but those were supported by its seed investment capital so obviously a special and finite circumstance.

    YT is ad supported. It always had been. Free services need to make money somehow and ads are one way. It is baffling watching people realize this for the first time because they’ve been shielded by their ad blocker for years, but dude, here outside that little bubble, in the real world, this is how things work.

  • Did they not show a cloning facility that was constructing bodies for him? And have we not seen that force users consciousness survive after death? And wasn’t there a whole setup for his consciousness to be transferred into a new body through some dark side ritual? It wasn’t a great explanation but it was sufficient. I’m confused about why people think this was entirely left out. That one line of dialogue is bad but just because those characters don’t have an explanation doesn’t mean we as the audience do not. We do!

  • It sounds like you went to several physical stores and when their stock on hand was not sufficient you concluded your only option was Amazon. What about the rest of the internet?

    I’ve been deeply hooked on Amazon for a long time and trying to wean myself off of it for a variety of reasons. The most helpful thing in this, I’ve found, is Apple Pay.

    I happen to use an iPhone and Apple Pay is easy. It is increasingly accepted everywhere, making any online store a one-click purchase. Maybe for you it would be PayPal or Google Pay but whatever your preference is, these payment services have come a long way.

    For years I was stuck on Amazon because of the convenience. I am not ashamed - convenience is a real benefit when life is busy. And I had everything set up on Amazon, and they had most things available in their search.

    But Google Shopping also has almost everything in the world available and most or all the retailers there accept Apple Pay. So now I just do that. It works just as easily.

    You can even search on Amazon and then take note of the name of the seller and search the internet for them and then buy direct. Most have websites because Amazon fees eat into their profits. They would rather sell direct. And easy payment services plus ecommerce platforms like Shopify and Square make it easier than ever.

    Amazon is becoming a cesspool of Chinese scams these days. I am tempted to say that I still prefer Amazon because the returns are easy but the fact is that I have HAD to return a lot of things to Amazon because they were not what I thought I was buying or they were just absolute shit quality or arrived broken.

    So the point remains: you have alternatives. Use them. If you want physical stores, that’s another matter entirely and I agree those are getting fewer and worse. But Amazon doesn’t always beat them on price. You should check every time and you might be surprised. I was in my local CVS and I saw they had the exact LED bulbs I needed to buy but I thought they’d be too expensive there so I checked Amazon on the spot. CVS beat them by a couple of dollars. So check every time!

  • This is not double dipping, because the value of your data is factored into the subscription cost.

    Personally, I don’t care that much if I watch YouTube videos about Game of Throne and then see ads for HBO House of the Dragon in Google search. But that’s me. I don’t have this overinflated concept of how precious my YT watchlist is to me.

    An old coworker of mine started a company that was an ad network that paid YOU for your data every month, drawing from the ad revenue they got from using your data. The fact is that your data is not worth very much at all on the open market.

    With some exceptions I think all the “BUT MY DATA!” is disingenuous pearl-clutching. Because everyone ITT has a credit card in their wallet right now, and that company has sold their personal information and purchasing habits thousands of times over and they’ve never cared.

    But suddenly they have to sit through a YT ad because their ad blocker got killed, and now people suddenly care about their data, and fairness to creators, and capitalism, and privacy!

    All those are just ways to legitimize the fact that people lose their minds when they have to wait 15 seconds to get the thing they want for free. They’re ashamed to admit that they are that childish, so they make it about their deep, deep commitment to data integrity.

    People need to take a step back from their devices IMO.

  • I’m not terribly sympathetic to arguments about covering costs when it comes to corporations.

    That’s fine. No one needs you to be.

    If they were just looking to cover costs or even just make a reasonable profit, there are all sorts of arrangements we could come up with that would be acceptable to most people.

    What are those? No, really, this is the crux here. The whole rest of your comment is about growth capitalism generally, and I agree it sucks in many ways. But until you can reasonably provide a working alternative to property ownership, we will continue to have things like rent and lending. Investment is a form of lending. And yes YT shareholders don’t give a shit about anything but more and more and MORE insane profit. Because to succeed, a company has to not only profit but profit above expectation, rewarding the speculative investments others have made in them.

    It’s foolish though to think that YT’s management are the source of this desire for profit. It’s their shareholders. YT really want to deliver the best product while making a good living, and their staff are also minor shareholders to some extent.

    But your problem is capitalism. And if it took ads on the pause screen to get you to see the issues with growth capitalism, then sheeit you are late to the game and I won’t wait up to hear what your alternative suggestions are going to be. I’ll just point out that you waved your hand at that subject and then moved on like we wouldn’t notice.

  • I also do that. But Nebula is more thoroughly creator friendly. 50% of net profits go to creators and are divided by their share of watch time. That is a far more creator friendly policy than YT having a closed ad algorithm and you just get what you get. The YT display algorithm is also famously opaque and has some bullshit nanny filters on it such that you can’t actually make a faithful video about something like a historical massacre without being demonetized and hurting your channel in the algo.

    There’s a lot I like about YT and being a premium subscriber does benefit creators there but I think Nebula is a next step in that evolution and it’s off to a decent start.

    I pay for both.