• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yea I’ve heard the Tankie excuses before. Next you’ll blame the kulaks for not selling their grain to The State because they were too greedy to accept The State’s price for the grain.

    Wow, refuted. I am no Tankie, at least not by the definition you linked lol.

    So that we’re 100% clear - you’re denying the existence of О операции по репрессированию бывших кулаков, уголовников и других антисоветских элементов? I don’t want to dance around the subject.

    I want to know where you get your number from. You mentioned he killed millions. Look, I don’t defend his actions, Fuck Stalin, but all these numbers are absurd!

    The government? Goodness, no! The entire purpose of The State is to make sure that there are enough layers of indirection and bureaucracy such that no blame could ever befall The State. The blame will always be at a lower, more expendable level that can be only denied or blamed as a defector or someone disobeying “actual” State policy.

    A not insignificant number of parents from villages where State officials wouldn’t look the other way? Certainly. You don’t end up with a gender ratio this fucked otherwise.

    The easy way to get around the one-child policy was to not register your child with The State - as pointed out by the Tankie defense of the policy. In order to do that you needed an official willing to look the other way.

    So you mean the purpose of this police was to make parents kill their children?

  • Did the Soviet Union manufacture a famine in Ukraine? What about the Holodomor?

    The famine existed, but it was not fabricated. It is proven there were many factors in play, such as climate that interfered with the crops.

    What about Stalin? Didn’t he kill millions?

    This is just USA cold war propaganda to make communism look bad, USA alone killed even more and still does to this day. Want to talk about fabricate famine? USA is the only country forcing embargo against Cuba!

    Their defense of China’s 1-child policy? “60,000,000 girls weren’t killed from infanticide. Only 35,000,000 were.” and they provide no other explanation for the severe gender imbalance that China has:

    Are you implying the government killed girls?

    You are so inebriated in western propaganda it is disgusting.

  • So, people who love North Korea, or defend russia invading Ukraine, people, who stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist” - are “Tankies”.

    Would be good to point out these people you are mentioning are not all the same.

    There are people that Are critical of Russia, but don’t buy from western propaganda and are being called tankies too.

    It is more like, if one dare to question the western narrative = tankie.