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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Yes, and it works great. However, it only has potassium, as well as trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. It’s not a general purpose fertilizer though… You need the N and the P in N-P-K too. K (potassium) helps plants grow big roots and fruits. But before the plant can do that you need lots of N (nitrogen) to grow leaves, and some P (phosphorus) to make flowers. I’m generalizing but you get the idea.

    So if you’re fertilizing potatoes after they’ve flowered, it’s great because it helps the potatoes bulk up. Same with strawberries, fish fertilizer tends to make them grow new leaves, seaweed helps grow big berries.

    I typically use fish fertilzer early in the season, then switch to both during flowering, then seaweed only for late season. Apply according to the instructions on the label. They vary in concentration and may include other chemical and/or organic fertilizers to balance the N-P-K.

    I personally like using liquid fertilizers. You have to apply more regularly (every 1-2 weeks) but if gives you better control. Using solid organic amendments can be tricky because you typically add them once or twice per season, so you’re kind of locked in. Chemical fertilizer works great but is bad for your soil and the environment long term. You can also burn your plants if you’re not careful. With organic liquid fertilizer you can support the soil microbiology, quickly correct any nutrient deficiencies, and you won’t burn your plants.

    All that said, what works best for you is a combination of climate, soil type, pest pressure, crop type, cultivar and a whole lot more. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to gardening so you’ll just have to experiment and figure it out, which is half the fun. And hopefully the other half of the fun is eating 😋

  • Why are so many leaders in the USA not just evil, but like cartoonishly evil? Like bond villain level evil. If this is the result of a free and fair democracy then maybe democracies are overrated. It is basically a popularity contest, which when you think about it, basic means who ever has the most money is probably going to win.

    That’s not a plug for any other “-ism” btw so all you tankies can settle the f*** down.

    It’s just that you never just see a normal Joe on the podium. They’re always the same kind of person. The same wide smile, charm, and smooth talk. I’m starting to think that we as a species need to evolve to the point where we savagely kill people like that on the spot.

    That’s obviously a joke, but also, why are humans so bad at spotting the most egregious grifters? Why are we so compelled to follow a “leader” anyway? Do we actually need one or is this just a hangover from the last few thousand years of monarchism? Maybe we’re not as creative as we think.

    People sometimes say that democracy is a bad system, it’s just that all the other ones are worse. I think that’s convenient for those people because you don’t have to think any further than that. If you do, you start to wonder… Semi-modern humans have been around for a few hundred thousand years at least… And during that period there have been some very clever humans, surely many that aren’t in the historical record… Is this really the best idea we have on how to get large groups of humans to work together toward common goals?

    I don’t buy it. Look I’m not saying I have the answer. But this has all gotten so ridiculous. America, please get your shit together. If you haven’t noticed it’s getting a bit hot in here and we have some very real common goals (like not going extinct) that we need to address, and like soonish m’kay.

    PS. Gay people exist. Trans people exist. It’s fine. The bible is just a book. All your politicians serve one master: money. It isn’t a conspiracy, they’re pretty open about it. The earth is round. Water is wet. Reality is here folks, it’s all around you. Put down your phone and go outside.

  • Nah I can’t do supplements, and the B12 in nutritional yeast isnt naturally occuring. Some microorganisms do produce B12 but not the ones they use to make nooch. I know, I was surprised to.

    I did some more research though, and I do have a source of B12. Remember I said I was using seaweed for fertilization?

    Boom: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11430774/

    I can just eat the seaweed. 😂

    In fact, it appears my people have a long history of eating seaweed: https://www.wildwalks-southwest.co.uk/all-about-laverbread/ (didn’t know that existed!)

    So I guess I’ll go vegan. You win. The crickets will be disappointed that they’re getting evicted but I’m sure they’ll get over it.

    I’m going to go 6 months eating just seaweed and potatoes, while doing blood work to check my nutrient levels. I’ll let you know if I don’t die 😅. Thanks for all your help.