nemmybun [she/her]

  • 39 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2022

  • That was my first project beyond very simple tutorial stuff so I’m honestly not too much further than complete beginner myself! I think you should just go for it! Engine-wise I chose Godot because it’s open-source and it’s pretty simple to get started for a hobbyist like me but Unity is also a good choice due to the sheer amount of support and resources available. I wouldn’t stress engine choice too much since many concepts will crossover so you’re not like starting from scratch if you decide to change.

    I’m happy to help answer questions or give pointers or whatever to get you started if you ever want

  • Not too long. I started with Godot 3 a couple years ago, got distracted, and I’m only now getting back into Godot 4. So far I’ve only done like a handful of tutorials and made a few basic template games from that so maybe 4 or 5 weeks total. I’m also not very experienced with coding so it’s been a struggle. I have a vague idea of what needs to happen to make my game ideas work, like on a high level, but I have a really hard time figuring out how to piece it together and the tuts didn’t really help with that.

    At least I’m much more confident in creating assets when I get to that part.

  • VATS made sense in 1 & 2 due to the third-person isometric design. It feels clunky and shoehorned in a first-person setting. The gunplay in vanilla is awful but mods fix that and make it a proper shooter in a way Bethesda can’t seem to manage.

    I understand the philosophy of carry weights but fiddling with inventories in Beth games has never been engaging to me. And the mods add a lot of new stuff so it compound the problem. What’s the point of adding new stuff if you’re not picking it up?