You can map a keyboard shortcut to the calculator in Windows and have a more robust option no matter what browser you use.
You can map a keyboard shortcut to the calculator in Windows and have a more robust option no matter what browser you use.
I don’t recall saying anything about the amount they’re drinking but rather if things were worse ie drunk driving fatalitie, etc. Your biases on the topic appear to be showing…
This feels like pearl clutching to me…are there any stats to support that things are measurably worse in Quebec where they’ve had beer in convenience stores for ages?
I’m in favour of this, if for no other reason than the Beer Store needs to die, or at the least the sweetheart deal with the province needs to. Absolutely ludicrous that a company owned by foreign corporations is granted a monopoly over the sales of 12 and 24 packs of beer and distribution rights to restaurants and bars. They’ve done far too good a job of fooling the public into thinking it’s government run while they fleece us and lobby away our choice.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day