All-around bad goat.

You can see my art on FurAffinity. (18+ only!)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I got started a looooong time ago. Like I discovered the fandom as a kid in the late 1990s. I’ve never been an “it’s just me but furry” furry, I’ve always tried to come up with a context of some kind for the character, even when the character is still sort of an idealized self. I just like the opportunity to be something other than myself. For all my first characters I built on top of a setting of some kind, e.g. fan characters. Later on I started coming up with more of my own stuff, and collaborating on shared worlds with online friends. As you get more practiced in it, it will get easier to make up new characters. Don’t sweat it too much about this first one.

    When I was younger I really loved roleplaying as a way to build up and define characters, if you can find a group where you feel comfortable playing. If that’s not your thing, you could try writing stories, or attempt another art form. Even if you never developed drawing skills, you could try making a collage (digital or otherwise), which can give you ideas. Remember, this is all for you, you don’t have to share it. The idea is to have fun thinking about your new little guy.

  • I’d describe that pattern as “agouti.” Agouti is when a single hair goes from light to dark, so it is not all one color, and it produces a pattern like this. It’s a common coloration pattern in wild animals. Whether an artist wants to draw that depends on the person and art style, but I think an artist could simulate it without having to draw every hair. As another commenter said, you can always simplify depending on the style you’re looking for.

  • As someone who has been a furry for a long time: I think it is better not to worry about it. Offline, hardly anyone knows what furries are, and most outside people seem to think it’s mostly about cosplay. Online it is possible to mostly avoid the nutjobs who like to harass people, but I do keep my NSFW furry identity separate for a reason.

    As an aside, I don’t think you should feel guilty for enjoying the adult side of the fandom. Like… most adults are into sex on some level. And lots of people use the furry community as a place to explore parts of themselves they otherwise keep hidden. IMO that is why so many queer people are attracted to it.