Star Trek Elite Force. Weird combo for Star Trek to make a game in the Quake engine, but I love it
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Star Trek Elite Force. Weird combo for Star Trek to make a game in the Quake engine, but I love it
Probably a torment nexus. There is push on more wearables like Smart Glasses, basically making the Apple Vision style stuff cheaper and more wearable, but damn is there so much personal data they can grab with having something strapped to your face all the time. Maybe some stuff with Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) but god I hope not.
This is something I’ve been experimenting with myself, frankly I feel since moving away from mainstream social media I feel no where near as obligated to my phone, but there’s still definitely some aaaaa I have shackled to it. Here are some of my things that I feel have helped?
For desktop browsers (I use firefox):
For mobile stuff (I use android, will somewhat only apply for that):
I’ve recently been playing renegade Platinum and put it on my custom-firmware DSi XL. Super fun n quite hard
When I was using my Sony Xperia, the headphone jack was pretty darn nice. I got some truthear hex IEMS and honestly the isolation was better than any NC headphones I’ve used, but I may just be lucky w the fit. <be> Bluetooth is cool, but so much e waste will become of true wireless, and even just most battery powered headphones because of the difficulty replacing battery. I know fairphone headphones have a replaceable battery which is neat. <be> IEMs are pretty cool. You can get cable replacements, Bluetooth adapters, and straight to USB cables too. Can recommend