• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That depends… Are you still voting Democrat? Because there are people who if Harris came out strong on guns WOULDN’T and that might not put us over the edge. After all, you probably agree with let’s say 70, 80, 90% of Democratic policy, but only 5, 10, 15% of Republican policy right? Strategic voting is necessary in our fucked up system.

    Unfortunately you do not represent the broader electorate; for there is a large swath of conservative people who still love their guns, and at best it becomes zero sum. Ultimately, the more she leans into you, the more she distances herself from millions of Americans who like their guns.

    So the key is to maintain an activist mindset and influence change in public opinion; only then will you see a change in candidate policy. But shooting yourself in the foot when the broader electorate isn’t there only to have the party you agree with 5% of the time win…? That’s just patently short-sighted because they’ll take us several steps backwards.

    So tell me when you have a magical plan to convince the majority of Americans who still believe in the 2nd Amendment to abandon it. And let me tell you: Sabotaging Democrats isn’t a fucking plan. That’s shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Look I don’t disagree necessarily. I work in a hospital and my wife is the first response to tragedies like this as well. In the hospital we must simultaneously treat both root cause and symptoms. Firearms are a symptom of a deeper problem that, like shock or hemorrhagic bleeding, exacerbate whatever the original problem is. That being said, if we can reduce the number of people who slip through the cracks of society we can improve our outcomes just the same.

    No doubt on the surface, cutting supply and taking firearms off the streets is likely the simpler route at addressing the symptom; that is, the average lethal effectiveness of a deranged person when they do slip through the cracks. But I’m trying to be pragmatic and avoid putting the cart before the horse because unfortunately there really is limited support for this and no budging in polling; and ultimately, Democrats tying themselves to this jeopordizes key parts of the electorate in order to win elections int he first place. So ultimately, I’d rather table this issue and soften the perception from centrists and conservatives in order to stop fascism. Then, we can utilize this as a launching point to address root causes: “Okay, you want to keep your 2nd Amendment… I get that. So let’s compromise, let you keep that, and we work on universal healthcare, guaranteed therapy, reduction in work week hours, K-College publicly-funded education, etc.”

    Until the position of where the electorate is at moves, then we are simply stuck on this. If Sandy Hook and Uvalde didn’t do it, then nothing will for some time. So conversely, let me know when there is legitimate shift in the electorate and perhaps then we can tackle this. Though I suspect that only comes with the passing of boomers. (and yes, we keep saying this. Unless you’re 100-years-old, we’re the same people still waiting for the same generation to die off…)

  • Mehdi Hasan: And he’s a war criminal who should be on trial?

    Jill Stein: Well, by implication.

    Mehdi Hasan: You’re struggling here to say something very simple. This is why people have their doubts about you with Russia. Why is Benjamin Netanyahu a war criminal but not Vladimir Putin?

    Jill Stein: Well, as John F. Kennedy said, “We must not negotiate out of fear and we must not fear to negotiate.” So if you want to be an effective world leader, you don’t start by name calling and hurling out that.

    Mehdi Hasan: So how will President Stein negotiate with Israel then, if you’ve called Netanyahu a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Well, because he very clearly is a war criminal.

    Mehdi Hasan: Oh, so Putin clearly isn’t a war criminal?

    Jill Stein: Well, we don’t have a decision, put it this way, by the International Criminal Court.

    Mehdi Hasan: Yes, we do. Yes, actually, actually, you’re wrong. There’s an arrest warrant for Putin and there isn’t an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, so why is Putin not a war criminal, but Netanyahu is?

    Anyone remotely supporting Stein is either as ignorant as she is (claimed there were 600 members of Congress LOL), or drinking Russian vodka.

    This is also just the Chef’s Kiss in terms of having of all people Mehdi Hasan take down Stein.