Founder of SimpleX Chat - the first chat platform that has no user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! Creator of Ajv JSON Validator used by millions of JS applications.
You don’t have to encrypt the message, simply observing it won’t compromise security. You only need to ensure that the channel is 1) authenticated (that is, you know who you send to) 2) cannot MITM you (that is, replace the link). MITM can be mitigated with security code verification via yet another channel, but SimpleX relays cannot MITM key exchange (unlike any centralised service).
Your CLI fails to connect to the relays, something is not working. Are you connected to the internet? Possibly, you cannot access the relay.
telnet 5223
If you can’t connect to preset relays, you need to either use VPN or some other relays (e.g., self-host).
Migration is complete, DNS propagated:
Please let us know if you have connectivity issues
just delete them after a set time - preset servers have it at 21 day