chickentendrils [any, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • It’s useful for an imperialist ruling class to keep drug trafficking and drug traffickers around, it’s possible that some are powerful enough that they are effectively on the same level. We’re not so far removed from things like British opium imports to China having a huge effect on quality of life and such. They can disrupt other nations and be used as a pretext for sanctions/occupations/foreign aide to facilitate god knows what.

    For domestic operations it’s slush money and can be politicized. Its illegality puts people in situations where they’ll be more likely to do anti-social actions benefiting or on behalf of clandestine operations. It’s also a great cover story for any violence that might erupt between elements of this, for lack of a better term, “deep political network”.

  • When it was new to me, circa 2006, and mostly just had reuploads of prank shows and atheism v. creationism vids. I remember a dream where I sat down and watched a video on it called “insurance agent PRANK reads his own autopsy” that was just a guy walking into a cubicle in a hotel conference room and sitting down and opening a manila folder and there’s just a photo of the same guy dead on an autopsy table and he just sits there processing the claim. A guy in a grim reaper costume walks in and knocks at his cubicle entrance, he looks and then jumps onto the desk and then over the cubicle and runs off into a seemingly neverending conference room. Then I was in the same conference room looking for a bathroom for what felt like an eternity until I woke up.

  • James Angleton is historically the most important individual we know of, he managed the Israeli account as head of Counterintelligence at CIA during and after the Kennedy years. His testimony to the Church Committee reads as an admission of Israel’s role and interest in seeing JFK dead. While far from perfect, for Kennedy nuclear proliferation was an obstacle to peace, and an existential threat obviously. Angleton has no less than 2, possibly 3 statues in Israel. None in the US. One overlooks Jerusalem from foothills outside the city.

    Basically Zionist got the bomb and they got all the blackmail and plenty of operations outsourced to Mossad, Epstein is very plausibly Mossad, etc.

    There are networks and associations between people which supercede a lot of this though, it’s unclear how much going on today is “CIA” versus the organized criminals, “terrorists”, foreign intelligence services, and business interests they’ve flooded with cash, guns, and technology for decades. There’s possibly just enough parties with resources now that we can’t really make much sense of specifics in real time

  • c/w dead animals

    Probably foxes or a fox and something else in a fight did it, but just coming across a rabbit ripped up and apart about a clearing on an otherwise bright and sunny day was weird. Didn’t seem to have eaten much of it, just left stewn all over. Relatively fresh. Turkey vultures found it by the time I was heading back that way so it was mostly cleaned up.

    Other one was when I was camping in a state park with friends. We took mushrooms and two of us went to get more firewood from a guy selling it in his yard down the road. Part of the road ran along a rocky ledge, ~10ft higher than the road, and there was a car with its hazards on and nobody around when we called as we approached, and then as we get closer we see there’s just a deer embedded in the roof of the car, like it jumped off the ledge and just landed on the car. No resolution to that one, was still there on the way back and gone by morning.

  • A new stage where it’s just getting more obviously hypocritical - Russiagate set the stage for the Chinese software panic that’s really highlighting it. Before it was just the CIA ruining someone’s life or killing them for investigating elite crimes or resisting, and having backdoors for the data collection in telecom/big tech.

    I’ve always figured Telegram was some weird NATO thing, so I figured that arrest isn’t really that special. It was either knowingly or unwittingly a honeypot for a decade, by not really protecting anything while operating with relative impunity from places like Dubai, the Caribbean, and France…

    In theory it’s “resistable” if a lot of people were ready to replace their technology platforms with decentralized ones, with webs of trust for identity (cryptography nerd in me has to mention that we can make digital signatures today which do not necessarily authenticate a statement is from a specific person, but it’s at least been made by someone that we all know, however we know each other, and federate from there if needed). Would be nice if this and other things turned into a systemic change because yeah even the meshnets and shit are still censorsable, if there’s not enough resistance.