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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I’ve limited my Reddit usage purely to subreddits that I can’t find a reasonable substitution for. Lemmy is small, a bit complicated to get at first, so naturally there’s going to be some communities that just aren’t going to make it here. For me really, I go back to participate in r/ChangeMyView and r/AskTransgender.

    The first to help provide a voice for trans folk in the seemingly ceaseless threads about trans people, and the second (more important one) to hopefully provide advice or information to people who’re just trying to figure things out. It’s a tiny little way I can give back and hopefully help at least one person here and there, so I’m not going to give that up just because Reddit itself has shit the bed.

  • It’s not that this instance is meant to be an echo chamber, it’s that it’s meant to be welcoming, inclusive, and queer friendly. Saying that we’re over-represented, ackshually, isn’t really contributing to the discussion other than to tell us that our lived experiences of being under-represented are wrong. It implies that a statistical/percentage-based over-representation of a minority group is a somehow a bad thing. Less charitably, it sounds awfully similar to being told to sit down, shut up, and be happy with what we’ve got.

  • Oh thank god my home state of MN is on that list!

    Honestly, Minnesota (at least in the cities) is super queer-friendly from my experience. The latest legislative session has put some pretty positive things in the books and have enshrined the state as a trans refuge.

    In the last year I’ve been in the process of transitioning and my coming out couldn’t have gone smoother. No one’s given me anything more than a passing glance as, I assume, they try to figure out my gender. But even that’s been kept to themselves and I’ve heard nothing but respect for my name and pronouns when I’ve been out and about.

  • Yeah, it’s both an overarching label for the LGBTQIA+ community at large and also a label that some people do identify personally with, as they may feel that no others really fit but they still are part of the community.

    My wife, for example. I’m a trans girl, we married when I was still deeply buried in the closet. She’s ostensibly cishet - she’s more attracted to masculinity, she wouldn’t consider herself a lesbian or even bi, but nonetheless she’s happy married to another woman.

    She’s doesn’t like saying she’s straight anymore - she says it doesn’t capture our relationship. She sees me for the woman I am, this isn’t a situation of her denying my gender, and she says it doesn’t feel like a straight relationship anymore. So if she has to pick a label she just calls herself queer and that’s good enough.

  • I’m not who you asked, but I am also a trans person that’s not planning on bottom surgery so thought I might chime in here.

    Personally, the best solution is simply: Don’t legislate anything regarding bathroom/gender. Leave the bathrooms as they are. Let people use the bathrooms that they feel fit them best, that they’re most comfortable in. And if someone attempts to sneak in and assault/harass women in the bathroom, that’s already a crime that we have laws for.

    Places that want to be more friendly or progressive will generally provide gender-neutral options. To me, the presence of a gender-neutral or all-gender bathroom is a good signifier that the place of business could be considered a potentially “safe” space – the staff there are probably going to be more accepting/less tolerant of open hate or bigotry and I can afford to let my guard down a little bit.