Taco tarrifs: the downfall of society
Taco tarrifs: the downfall of society
I watched that primary, I wouldn’t say he lost, he was just taken away as an option by those backing Hillary. He could have run as an independent, but he was more civil than everyone else running.
That primary is a prime example of the disconnect of the democratic party from their supporters.
I am always keeping an eye out for used ones or clearance prices, I never paid full price for mine. And the ultralight crowd is always hard to please, it’s not like their bags are heavy, but all it takes is some buckles and zippers to be “too heavy” lol
I have never found a better brand for ergonomics and comfort. I have the Fairview 55 and Farpoint 70, specifically because I love the zip off daybag design.
I wonder how quickly the safety of new US cars will plummet
Yeah, I don’t know what the cost for testing is, but here’s more statistics for the area. https://www.sf.gov/data/preliminary-unintentional-drug-overdose-deaths
are opiates really that prevalent there?
I don’t have a peak bag, but I do have osprey and chrome, which honor lifetime guarantees. Their (not old) bags have codes inside that are used in case of repair/replacement.
The day she walked into office, she announced that there would be no attempt to charge bush and Chaney for war crimes. I kinda didn’t like her since then.
Looks to me like it’s https://health.clevelandclinic.org/cognitive-dissonance
For context for those wondering wtf this is about… There is a very large number of employees/engineers from India, so much so that it has become the Intel workplace environment.
My bad, didn’t mean to stress y’all out with a lil ML
I like Bernie, but I still remember his political movement: stepping aside for Hillary. I wonder how different our timeline would be, if that had not happened. Maybe he just doesn’t know when to fight.
There are countless cases from Florida that don’t honor constitutional rights or due process. When people fear how badly things may turn, look at where Florida is now, and watch to see how many other states follow.