• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023

  • Oh my god, that smell is mildew. If your towels are kept so humid that they’re mildewing the colliform bacteria in your bathroom is having an entire festival on there. Please, before you get a horrible infection, please start swapping them out more frequently. I’m begging you, rubbing that on even a small open wound could be legitimately life threatening (for example if you’re the lucky winner of E.Coli roulette, which is also absolutely growing on your towels).

  • You’re not clean, though. You’re really, really not. You’re cleaner, but humans are disgusting and a residential shower is in no way getting you anything close to actually ‘clean’. You don’t have to be insane like I am and swap them out every shower, all the literature I can find says 1-3 days is probably fine, but please please get a couple more towels and swap out for a clean one every few days at least, right now you’re just culturing some very nasty bacteria and then rubbing it all over yourself.

  • I was always taught that the towel’s final role is to abrade and collect the dirt/grime/skin that has been loosened by showering, but that wasn’t washed away (which iirc is mostly just the skin and oily grime, not dirt or other large particulates).

    If it works for you then you do you! It’s just odd to discover that people think towels are somehow clean after being rubbed all over your body. It’s probably fine, the literature I’ve just dug up seems to indicate that it’s not ideal but safe to use the same towel for 1-3 days so long as you’re not sharing it, (depending on environment, it seems that they get a “disconcertingly large bacteriological load” (heh) if left in a humid bathroom) but still. ew.

  • Eeh, more complicated than that. Enforcing age restrictions is an obnoxiously complex issue, even though by all reasonable measures it shouldn’t be.

    The #1 priority of a con is protecting its panelists & volunteers, and while keeping the panelists comfortable is a critical aspect, enforcement of the conditions they need for adult panels can be a logistical nightmare. It’s why so many cons are moving away from having any adult oriented panels at all, and it’s really sad to see that the most reasonable solution is to just not have them.

  • One of the main characters in hazbin is an anthropomorphic spider prostitute porn star drug addict named “angel dust” who is in a very graphic emotionally, physically and sexually abusive relationship with the porn studio director that’s exploiting them, and one of his major themes is why he hates himself for liking being treated like that.

    While not the most graphic show Ive seen (despite multiple onscreen dismemberments), it’s easily the most adult oriented cartoon/anime I’ve watched. It’s certainly not geared for children and I would be extremely uncomfortable having a conversation about why people stay with their abusers with a kid. It’s not me being prudish, its that it requires a fuckload of societal context that most adults don’t have in order to be able to discuss it in anything like a mature way, and I don’t want to have to explain things like “the gray areas around coercion and nonconsensual sex” to someone else’s kid in a panel setting. It’s going to be as uncomfortable for them as it is for me when we get to, say, “self harm as expressed through consenting to sexual abuse”.

    Thats an easier to explain example, and it’s certainly a conversation you should have with your kids when they’re old enough, but thats just one example out of many. I certainly don’t want to have to explain the 2000 years of real-world religious bloodshed being evoked with lines like “if hell is forever then that means heaven’s a lie” to a kid, either.

    (Not to harp on about it, but the scene with angel trying to get charlie out of the studio before valentino notices her is such an accurate portrayal of living with an abuser that it regularly triggers people’s PTSD, and that commonly comes up at hazbin panels. You might have been watching Urotsukidoji as a kid, but I really doubt you were reading Lolita or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

  • Even at the bigger cons which have enough staff to police it, it’s a damned difficult thing to do. You can’t card everyone at the door, panel rooms have to be turned over as quickly as possible (and you can’t force that kind of liability onto your volunteers), people are in costume or just look really young, and that’s even ignoring the seemingly infinite technical issues that every convention is plagued with, etc. etc.

    Not saying you’re wrong, it’s just not as simple as “telling them they can’t”. The kind of people that would bring their kid to a hazbin panel aren’t the kind of people that will give a shit about the inconvenient convention rules in the first place.

    Which brings me to my suggested solution: Make a rule about it and give every volunteer a cattle prod.