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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年9月27日


  • Even without looking at any specific policy you could make this statement with high certainty of accuracy. Democratic presidents have significantly higher job creation, GDP growth, and larger decreases in unemployment. Real household income gains are higher under Democrat presidents. Republicans have had 9 of the last 10 recessions start under their leadership, only one being under Carter. The deficit grows by larger margins under republican presidents. The stock market gains more under democrats presidents. The only metric in which Republicans do better on is inflation.

    Then looking at the specifics of policy proposals we would see trump would destroy the only factor in which the republicans lead on with massive tarrifs, isolationism, and expansions of trade wars.

  • All the cats in the domestic cat branch of felid tree have slit shaped eyes. Domestic cats, wildcats, sand cats, black footed cats, and jungle cats all share this trait. They are all small cat species.

    Pallas cats belong to the leopard cat branch, and share similar eyes with the larger cats despite their other physical characteristics. It is interesting that they’ve kept the round eyes, because small cats tend to hunt via stealth during low light periods such as dawn/dusk where slit shaped eyes are an advantage.

    This is a trait a nearly universal eye shape in small cat species. Even those in the leopard cat branch (rusty spotted cat, flat headed cat) and other branches related to other large cats (pampas cat in the ocelot branch, marbled cat in the bay cat branch, bobcats in the lynx branch, serval in the caracal branch, etc).

  • In 2020 Florida was only won by 3.5%. That isn’t large enough to be considered a safe state. Now you could argue that it has shifted a good deal one way, and that may be true. It’s also worth mentioning Florida has about 0% chance at being the tipping point state. If Florida is even close to turning blue Harris already won, and the closer sunbelt and southern states like NC and Georgia likely have already gone blue as well.

    If anything boosting Democrat enthusiasm in the state means more to helping lower elections than it would have an affect on the top of the ticket.

  • If they’re still working full time, then it isn’t retirement. Retirement is an economic situation, not an age.

    It’s not that surprising when you look at the numbers. Average retirement savings accounts for those on their 60s is around 600k, but median is around 200k. Meaning some people are doing really well, but most won’t have much. Average retirement age is low 60s, and average lifespan for a60 year old is about 20 years. A 4% withdrawal for the average retirement account and roughly 2k per month SS check is about 50k per year before taxes. Not great but you can survive on that, but then look at the median and this drops to a bit over 30k. That would be tough, especially if you don’t own your home or have major expenses like Healthcare.