I don’t really think almonds taste good imo. They’re pretty bland to me.
I don’t really think almonds taste good imo. They’re pretty bland to me.
Depends, there are some people who give others a hard time and are absolute blasts to be around.
There are also others where you wish they’d get trapped in an elevator with an energetic puppy for an hour to waste their energy.
Also what’s with the apostrophes? I don’t really understand what they mean here.
The idea of someone just sobbing then you come up and yell “WHATS THE OPPOSITE OF YELLOW ON A RUBIKS CUBE!?!?” at them is so funny to me.
I think it’d probably work on me.
technically it’s correct twice a day if you use military time
except my grandma’s stove which has a broken handle and sensor so it just guesses if you’re going forward or backwards and will randomly increment by like 15. I got it within 20 minutes then gave up because using pliers on the mangled remains of a stove knob was really annoying.
weird flex but ok
my issue isn’t really with the brightness, it’s the height. Don’t get me wrong bright headlights are annoying as fuck, but a huge ass truck behind me with their headlights literally higher than my back window is insane.
src for those who are too lazy to Google: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000
And keep in mind, all of this is what we know publicly. Imagine all we don’t.
woah, that’s crazy. Thanks for the info
“The bowling ball isn’t falling to the earth faster. The higher perceived acceleration is due to the earth falling toward the bowling ball.” is what the spoiler says
Reading that spoiler, I hate scientists sometimes.
ok but have you considered this: quack quack,?
where do you live where the sun goes down at 4? its always ~6:45-7 at the earliest where I live iirc
I have an electron rubiks cube
how long is ranged?
puts a bic lighter on a comically long stick
fair enough haha