This is me at 34. Fuck reality, everything ever has been destroyed and I just need an excuse to stand by the railroad tracks until I hear the horn.
This is me at 34. Fuck reality, everything ever has been destroyed and I just need an excuse to stand by the railroad tracks until I hear the horn.
Not good enough. There are lives on the line, ffs, you don’t run for President on that shit. Especially since he didn’t even make it clear it was considered to most of the voters.
That makes sense, actually, yeah. Logistics is a difficult task, take it from an OpenTTD player.
Tbf, these had two good reasons. 1, coolant for Project Manhattan if something went horribly wrong with a nuke while getting it to the Pacific theatre. 2, the South Pacific is f-ing brutal without AC when you depend on your armor for safety.
That said, this is clearly an OpSec-related disguise. I’m not military but I’ve heard enough to pretend I saw nothing unless I hear someone inside begging for help. Usually it’s just ammunition transport, so that nobody gets a bright idea to steal military-grade weapons.
If you think that’s just “halfway between Hollywood and reality” BS, look up Project Mogul on wikipedia and keep in mind the CIA can pose as “a former FBI agent” if need be to spread disinformation about military assets. They were terrified the Soviets might get/drop nukes, the more paranoid you are, the more you should be able to relate to spies, generals and anti-terrorist personnel, even if it’s not that likely to go bad in practice.
Remember, the last time military intelligence wasn’t on the ball, 9/11 set the ball rolling for the current mess we’re in. Not that the US under Trump again is in any way fully trustworthy.
Hey, it’s not like crab isn’t a delicacy to western civilization, at least ever since trains in the US started serving lobster. Ever since we stopped thinking of them as “gross water crawlies” and started seeing them as valid gourmet food, crustaceans have become a boon to coastal communities. If these ones don’t belong here, the real issue is keeping them alive. Simply make sale of live crabs illegal and require all crabs to be cooked the same day the invasive crabs are caught (donate the extra to the homeless).
Fair enough.
That’s what I was thinking. Fuck, I think Trump may actually be trying to go full Hitler.
Now it’s gone from Bluesky!
Not sure, but remember not to lace it with fentanyl unless you want your boss to break your kneecaps. The cartels don’t like their suppliers killing customers to hide skimming.
This. If you want free stuff, take it from the rich (preferably through taxes, but violence is honestly not out of the question anymore) because they’re the ones who already get “free” stuff just for being “a VIP member” of society.
Just promise me, if you eat the rich, spare their kids. No child has ever had real control over the world’s money, it’s not their fault if their parents were fucking assholes.
The USPS and Canada Post should both be looking into becoming rural ISPs. They’re in the business of delivering messages/packets, no one ever said “mail” deliveries couldn’t include email and internet service.
Ideally they won’t. I’m not a fan of American ISPs and I’ve never lived in the US, I’d love to see internet be treated as a public utility. It’s about time for rural connectivity to follow up rural electrification.
Yeah, that’s a pretty good take, fair enough.
It used to be that way. That last gen was literally the LAST gen. Xbox is a digital platform, Sony is moving towards being the budget gaming PC for families, Nintendo has made the Switch 2 a redesign and screen upgrade that’s (hopefully) cheaper than a Steam Deck.
I won’t make any bets, but the console wars seem to have ended (unless Xbox vs. Steam Deck becomes a selling point).
Agreed. I don’t share his opinion but I respect and understand it. The game needs an expanded map, with new goals that take in new directions? Well it does have limits currently, though I’m satisfied with what it provides me. Plus modding is likely to take this game places as long as CDPR stick to their guns.
Tbf, this may be symptomatic. In real life, medieval “cities” had less people than many modern “nothing exciting ever happens here” rest stops. You may have reached a legitimate logistic limit of the time period.
I had my life ruined by my former psychiatrist and I didn’t go out there to replace psychiatrics as a career. This company is a fucking dumpster waiting to catch fire.
As a tech geek and an artist (writer), I wholeheartedly agree. This is purely for the benefit of investors, not the craft.
Separated from me because I have severe anger issues, which led to Social Services forcibly removing me - not to help me - but to make putting me under what amounted to house arrest at 11 years old to save taxpayer money instead of actually caring about an autistic child by placing me in a group home where I was the only child capable of speech.
When my parents got me back, I was three years behind my peers in tech knowledge that I prioritized re-learning over assoviating with my idiot wigger classfoes. Then I realized I was incapable of handling the stress of university and simply couldn’t go.
I tried a writing career but my only option for a psychiatrist (literally the only psychiatrist within a 1.5 hour drive of my hometown) destroyed my life and online social networking with psychiatric malpractice.
The internet never forgives, I hate you all and hope you’ll die painfully because you already hate me. If you don’t, it’s because our hobbies didn’t overlap in 2017-2024, and thus I have no reason to bother discussing anything with anyone ever again.