I wouldn’t say massive amounts but it definitely got me using a lot less. I went from using about 2 ounces a month to just 1. But the vaped material can be saved and used to make edibles, I use it for hot chocolate that gets me medicated all day.
I wouldn’t say massive amounts but it definitely got me using a lot less. I went from using about 2 ounces a month to just 1. But the vaped material can be saved and used to make edibles, I use it for hot chocolate that gets me medicated all day.
Nice! You made a great choice!
Glad to hear I’m not breaking any posting rules! Haha, they had some really good sales I couldn’t pass up! They actually are quite a bit different, especially the titanium tips. I like them for quicker extractions and ss tips for longer sessions. I’ve also noticed that using two or three different devices back to back can make the high stronger than just one device with multiple bowls.
Genuinely curious, why are my posts being downvoted?
I currently only use a torch, best method imo. I really like the m7 and Armored Cap combo too, especially the quick extractions it gives. Other than heating up and cooling down quicker I haven’t found too many differences between stainless steel and titanium. That alone was a selling point for me personally and the Halo cools down even quicker than the 5 fin, but both are really nice tips. I really recommend either one honestly.