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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I’m not a medical professional, but I’ve got a few in the family and my own experience to go on.

    Medical professionals do not seem to respond well to self-diagnosis. I’d stop at the list of symptoms, and then see what they say. If they point in a different direction be ready to hear it, but at that point I’d maybe say something like, “Hmm, Y could be it. I’ve wondered if it might be X, do you think that’s possible?” By asking a question instead of telling them, you’re framing things as them as the expert rather than you being adversarial, or preempting their work.

    It’s a bit silly, but as a professional in a different field it is absolutely infuriating how people with one hour of amateur Googling will toe-to-toe with me with years of intensive study. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just some point ego kicks in for just about anybody. Let them be the expert.

    I suspect you already know this, but DO NOT ask for particular medications. That’s something people with “drug seeking behavior” do. Ask if there is something that might help. If it’s not what you want, then, “I’ve tried that before and I didn’t find it helped. It’s there something else?” Maybe then you could say something like, “is a ketamine infusion an option?”

    As for the clerks at the desk … err on the side of not telling them much, i.e. “I’ve got these three symptoms and I’m really concerned. If this goes on for X more days, I’m going to be in a bad place. Dr. Familyphysician said she wanted me to see Dr. Specialist as soon as possible.” They’re professional gate keepers. Allow them to feel important for helping you. Don’t give them any reason to shut the gate on you. It’s their only real agency. Don’t give them a reason to use it.

    Be conscious that there are a lot of problematic patients. A lot. DON’T look like one.

  • These are not windjammers though, are they? They look like pretty vanilla, small sail boats (IDK sloops ketches, or yawls… (Wrong … Too many masts. They’re schooners.) Windjammer was a derogatory moniker for the sailing ships built after steel construction became common. Much much taller masts, wire rigging etc.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d expect a much larger hull and 3 or 4 very tall masts, with something like four square sails per mast.

    The Windjammers outcompeted steam vessels for many transoceanic trade routes because they don’t require the constant input of coal to operate.


    Picture on that article depicts a ship with six square sails.

    EDIT: looked at the picture again. I believe they are schooners.

  • Listen here, Zac. The meme is addressed to “Mom”, a representative parental figure of - let’s assume - Gen X. Now, Gen X was not really into anime, which is the butt of the joke. They weren’t a bunch of weebs and probably also refer to group of the Japanese warrior class as ‘samurais’. HOWEVER, they called lots of little bricks ‘lego’. It was Millennials that started calling them ‘legos’.

    So, I’m pointing out the hypocrisy.