TalkingDuck [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • france-cool elections are happening today. Does anyone have some knowledge how things are looking?

    • As far as I see the far-right are winning the election, but not with enough votes to gain a majority so they will need to form a coalition with someone else.
    • The leftist big tent party are polling as solid second. Mélenchon is cool and based, but I’m wondering how many positions did he have to concede to form the party?
    • Macron’s party is eating shit lol Why would you call snap elections at your party’s weakest point in history??? Probably the biggest unforced error in politics since Biden agreeing to a live debate (so since yesterday I guess? God liberals are dumb)

  • I wouldn’t put the cold war with China on Trump. I think the period of his presidency coincided with the Chinese government finally getting more independent on the geopolitical scene and also transitioning to high-tech manufacturing competing with the West (Huawei, BYD, Tiktok, etc…). Once the US government realized they are no longer dealing with just an obedient manufacturing hub, they launched the trader war. I think the policy would have been the same no matter if Trump/Clinton/Biden is in charge. Literally yesterday Biden announced even more tariffs on green energy products.

    The war in Ukraine is kind of the same. The only reasons Republicans became pro-Russian is because the Democrats were anti-Russian and the parties are obliged to always disagree. If Russia invaded Ukraine under Trump they would just make up a different excuse to support them. “Evil Putin is restoring the Soivent Union. We must stop the commies!!”