Just a serval who gets into all sorts of furry shenanigans.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • If you have a non-invasive, rapid DNA sequencing system like this, chances are you’re going to have very advanced genetics research in general, because that kind of tech is going to be used in research fields first before anything else. As a result, gene editing using a retrovirus to propagate a harmless change to one’s DNA would actually be a potentially available technology at least to some degree, although it would be tricky and expensive unless further developments are made.

    The risk for security wouldn’t necessarily be falsification or spoofing so much as making someone impossible to identify or allowing them to forge a new fake identity. A career criminal could use this to escape justice, a spy could use this to hide their real identity, and it could also be used as a sort of bio-cyber attack by using an airborne pathogen to lock people out of any services, areas or technologies that require ID.

    It’s still definitely a technically superior option to physical ID media on its own, it just comes with its own vulnerabilities.

  • In my fursona’s world, Santa’s a polar bear and the elves are, paradoxically, emperor penguins.

    In actuality, that world’s equivalent of the Coca-Cola company had more influence on the modern concept of Santa Claus. Or really Santa Claws as he’s called. Like IRL, in my fursona’s world Santa is a traditional legend.

    However, to make Santa work…

    1. You’d need a fat polar bear (easy to find, bears tend to be on the chonky side in my fursona’s world) dressed in a red suit. Or green, the whole red suit design was Coca-Cola’s idea, originally the jolly old elf wore green.

    2. The sack is a bag of holding. In my fursona’s world, magic is surprisingly common, just not relied on due to its fickle and unreliable nature.

    3. The sleigh… I guess you could put a wing enchantment on one.

    4. Toon or toonified reindeer that ignore gravity during the flight. Could also help resolve the whole “white tailed deer” situation with depictions of reindeer if they’re basically a mix of the two in traits.

    5. Rudolph was invented specifically for the song.

  • At the end of the day, it’s generally impossible to prove motive beyond a reasonable doubt outside of cases where there is extensive evidence of that motive. Let me use two different hypothetical murder cases as examples:

    Case 1: The culprit already legally owned a gun. Everything seems normal with them, but then they go and shoot their neighbor who apparently owed them a large sum money and never paid it back. It can be inferred that this was a premeditated murder but it could have also been spur-of-the-moment.

    Case 2: The culprit has constantly complained about their neighbor not paying back a large sum of money they loaned said neighbor. Witnesses report that the culprit has been saying things like “I’m gonna kill that son of a removed if he doesn’t give me my money”, and the culprit only recently purchased a gun. The culprit then goes and shoots their neighbor. In this case, it’s pretty clear that the culprit had every intention to kill their neighbor.

    Cases like case 1 almost always get plea-bargained down from first-degree murder to second-degree murder/homicide.

  • Except you’re not forced to use the Play store if you’re using a non-Google fork of Android. So unless they’re locking out the entire OS if it doesn’t authenticate (which, if they do, that runs afoul of interoperability protections), you can still install APKs directly.

    Also, if it’s at the silicon level, that’s not even in the OS, that’s in the device and Google is going to have to bet on device manufacturers (particularly Samsung, due to their market share) playing along. If Samsung in particular decides that Google is going too far (and they could, they have their own reputation to worry about and they’re also going to want to have control over the devices they make - control that Google could potentially deny them as they continue to tighten their grip), that’s game over. Google could try to push their own hardware but Samsung has too much market dominance in the mobile device hardware sector for Google to challenge like that.

  • Small brain: Wearing a fursuit for trick-or-treating

    Large brain: Wearing a costume with your fursuit for trick-or-treating

    Galaxy brain: Wearing a costume based around your fursuit for trick-or-treating. (For example, wearing a Starfleet uniform with a feline partial suit for a Caitian Starfleet officer).