Red_sun_in_the_sky [any]

V vaughn the travelling vaudeville villain

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 days ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • I haven’t watched Contrapoints for a loooong time, but she was always my least favourite Breadtuber. She had this sort of “Trans people should try to pass if we want to be accepted” video if I recall correctly and that’s when I noped the fuck away from her videos.

    Oh yeah she has done that and more. She has the most libbed up trajectory. She did the voting video if I remember, where she opines how revolution is bad and leads to “China tiananmen square 1989 mao great leap forward 1000 billion dead”. And blames tankies for trump winning prior.

    Anyway she also did hillary girlboss docu and gleefully bantered with hilldawg and Chelsea. Awesome.

    Apparently gaza is mega complicated for her to decide which side is bad .

  • I was about to post this but yeah. Out of touch liberal dumbasses like king love to downplay anything when its time to lick the empire’s boot. He literally did a stream with the banderites about how bandera was some hero and this holodomor was worse the holocaust banderites participated in.

    I have commented before (on my old account) about how extensive the banderite network is. They branch out from high ranking nazis who cozily settled in Washington’s pocket.