RedDawn [he/him]

  • 25 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • This community has really been a life saver for me allowing me to get food for myself and my son when in a precarious situation. I’ve also given back to other users when I’ve had the means to do so.

    It makes me sad to think that somebody would take advantage of the kindness of other users here; that said, it seems like this person is openly struggling with mental health and addiction issues and I have enough first hand and second hand experience with those things myself to know how giving thousands of dollars lump sum to somebody in the middle of it is going to go. I guess I don’t have much useful advice to give here, I just wanted to comment to add another voice in agreement with the other users that this comm is such an important resource and I hope that this incident doesn’t scare people off of donating altogether. Seems like it’d be hard to implement more security without making it harder to donate or receive donations. It’s probably a good idea to check post history before giving and decide for yourself whether giving money to any individual person is the kind of help they really need.

  • I don’t like the idea of having to sell my bodily fluids because otherwise I couldn’t afford to eat, it made my just rage a little extra hard at how fucked up the whole system is. I guess I can’t say I have many complaints about the actual extraction process, they made it about as painless as you could hope for. You sit there for like an hour scrolling hexbear or whatever while the machine takes your blood out, spins it around to separate out the plasma and puts the rest of it back into you.