REallyN [she/her,they/them]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2020


  • Okay?
    But idk what you are suggesting?
    That Christians not use scripture as guidance or self-reflection?
    I agree with your point about using scripture as a crutch to push social or political positions and disagree when socialist seem to use scripture more to push for socialism than using socialism to establish economic relations more aligns with the kingdom of God.
    But caring for your children and trans people and treating them with dignity isn’t a political act, in the same way.
    Christ says we will know a good tree by it’s fruits and the fruits this use of scripture bears is love.

  • It’s been years since I read about the Soviet-Afghan War, and when I did I was a lib, but from what I remember the Mujihadeen weren’t a fully united organization, it was various groups with different aims with the common cause of fighting the Soviets. I don’t think the CIA worked with all of these groups and I don’t think Osama worked with them, but there is that british headline about him, so maybe he did and I am misremembering. I imagine if he did he viewed it as pragmatic, since it would have to be after 82 probably.