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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • They changed tune after they say people didn’t want that and crime was increasing. Yet still some are pushing it such as

    Doesn’t matter because most democrats never supported it as you understand it.

    It shows a trillion dollar deficit increase. Thats spending without a plan.

    Which is tame in comparison to how much it grows under republicans. Under democrats the deficit usually goes down, under republicans it usually explodes. That’s because democrats are generally better at economics. Republicans just give tax breaks to the rich and borrow the remainder.

    When trans rights infringe on the rights of women.

    They don’t though.

    Jk Rowling has written some wonderful articles on the topic

    I’m going to continue to avoid her bigoted ass like the plague.

  • They want to dismantle the police, spend more without figuring out how to pay for anything. They push misogynistic policies.

    None of that is true.

    The democrats are just a mess.

    They absolutely are, but not for the ressons you’re listing. That’s why I hate voting for them but unfortunately do because there are no better choices thanks to our dumb two party system.

    Companies should not be running the show.

    I agree. And thats why I think giving politicians money in any form should be criminalized, we should switch to STAR voting, elections should be run from shared fund pools, etc.

  • You made a trolling comment.

    If by trolling you mean “critical”, then sure, but otherwise no.

    The democrats are a party based on racism and classes. Everyone is a victim and they need the government to fix their problems.

    Not really. The democrats are a corporate owned, vaguely centrist to right wing party. As for your nanny state worries, those just honestly don’t make sense.

    I voted for the democrats twice and nothing came from it

    Our political system is intentionally designed to only change slowly. So expecting massive change from 2 single votes is quite frankly ridiculous. And again, democrats are corporate owned, so even when they get in they largely don’t do anything useful.

  • No because no reasonable person would associate Nazis and Trump.

    That’s not what the conversation is about though. You said:

    “A normal person wouldn’t disavow something.”

    Are you unable to keep track?

    What sort of idiot would think Trump who has a Jewish daughter is a Nazi?

    I never made that claim.

    Biden on the other hand has shown support for the KKK and other white supremacist ideology.

    That’s some horseshit. Your ability to fact check is lacking.

  • The fact that some people claim to be Christian without actually following Christ does not mean there’s no true Christian. It’s entirely possible for you to choose to become Christian.

    That’s not what a no true scotsman fallacy means. It’s a fallacious way to deflect people from being a part of a group. It is not a statement that no such group exists.

    The only value we can have in life comes from God. When someone gives you a Bible verse, that is likely the most valuable thing you receive all day, if not all year.

    Then it’s quite odd how I have value in my life despite it being secular. It’s almost like there are many sources of value in life beyond religion.

    Thank you for all of this thought-provoking conversation

    You are welcome. And thank you for keeping this as civil as it has been.

    I pray you may yet find God

    Like I said, you’re not the first so I wouldn’t bet on that.

  • My starting premise is God, and with penitent humility, God is my foregone conclusion.

    You have no method to reach truth then, because you’ve shut out the possibility of anybody other than you being correct. That is incredibly vain.

    It’s not an argument of any type.

    It’s not a formal argument, but you know what I meant.

    A prophet is someone who knows God’s plan as it applies to many people. So yes, you claimed that prophets are heretics.

    That’s not what I said though. I never even used the word in the first place.

    They might indeed make true statements or valid arguments now and then, but they can only do so in service of the Beast, attempting to lead others down the road to Hell.

    And as a result you cannot dismiss evidence based on who is presenting it.

    Nothing wrong with respecting authorities, and trusting their assessments. God is, after all, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

    You’ve completely missed my point.


    But that’s no fallacy;

    It’s a true scottsman fallacy.


    My only goal post is your acceptance of Christ.

    Then I would recommend that you familiarize yourself with how logical fallacies work, because you’ve been using so many of them.