Pezevenk [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • There was some talk recently in r/Greece about cheating in online university exams started because some jackass professor was so fucking devastated that people did “well” on his class (42% passed which is much better than usual) that he had to whine about cheating to a major newspaper. For some reason this subject was deemed worthy of being published but whatever, I digress. There were some weird fucking nerds on reddit who were whining about how employers will avoid employing people who graduated around 2021 because they will know they may have cheated on some test. I can’t believe there’s people so naive, but then again it is reddit.

  • Look, I am NOT saying we should forcibly castrate people, but…

    The whole post is wild, like it unironically argues that men invented patriarchy because they didn’t want to be treated like lambs in farms lmao. Also the fucking scary focus on “productivity”… And all the weird evo psych and calls for eugenics and “weeding out low quality men” in the comments… What is that place exactly?

  • But it IS a medical issue for many people. Of course people can chose what they want to do with their bodies and disparaging them doesn’t work. However many people are trying to “overcorrect” by pretending that abnormal weight is actually good for you or that nothing you ever try will help you deal with it and I really don’t think it is helpful at all. My cousin has struggled with obesity for a long time, at some point he had to be operated because it was damaging his body. He is doing better than back then now but it’s really not that great, and his learning difficulties plus a mostly unhelpful family in that regard are making it harder. I don’t think this kind of approach is necessarily helpful.