Spotify discovery playlist had been so shit lately. Nearly every second song is a cover of another song from the 90s or early 2000s.
Spotify discovery playlist had been so shit lately. Nearly every second song is a cover of another song from the 90s or early 2000s.
Monday-eve is the worst.
Currently 11:22am and I have just woken up. My regards to you not being able to sleep in on a Saturday.
Weekends are a boring event for me, usually pick up on the chores I have been neglecting during the week. Lawns are looking pretty unruly, so might get out there and chop them down.
I mean, low 30’s with a billion percent humidity is the standard for us at this time of year, so we pretty much are always in a heatwave 🥵
My citrus trees are having a hell of a time. Not only am I trying to stop citrus leafminers from destroying all the new growth, now locusts are eating all the leaves. I go up to a tree to check, and about a dozen flrying gasshoppers fly off the tree to get away from me. Please stop.
Sowed some carrots at the start of last week, which have now sprouted this week. First time trying carrots, so wish me luck.
Also ordered some seeds from https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/ to try out.
I think the answer to this would be to have seperate airspace for civilian and military. Especially in such a major city like Washington DC. Though not sure if it would be totally possible, considering the White House and Pentagon are right there.
Boggles the mind. You would think getting vehicles off the road would be a priority, it would cost less in the long run due to less road maintenance, lower chances of accidents, etc.
I think that is stupid answer here. Why spend money now to save it later, when we could keep money now and spend more later…wait.
I hear that. Went outside for 10 minutes to tend to the garden, and was instantly sweating like nothing else.
Haha, sounds like me. Decided to do buzz cut myself just to avoid the hustle and bustle of the shops. I just dislike cutting the hair off the back of my neck, have no idea if it is straight or too far down. Oh well, can’t see that part, so should be right.
Four day work weeks are fantastic. I too was lazy, spent most of the weekend sleeping in. There’s always next weekend, as we continue to procrastinate.
Back to school day, watch out for kids running about and check your speed while travelling through school zones everyone.
Starting from today, I am now student loan free. Just made my final payment.
That’s fucking cruel.
Unfortunately, some of us use the daily Brisbane post to check which day of the week it is.
Only half joking.
Holy crap, that took a dark turn.
I was in the middle of Logan. Got the lightning and thunder, and then buckets of rain. Only lasted for like 10 minutes, still looked cool.
Bit of a ripper that one!
Handsome little devil.
Right there with you. Can one hundred percent guarantee I will be having a whinge during winter when it gets cold. Can’t win here.
Looks like a cavalry charge haha.