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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • My immediate gut reaction to this is pretty viscerally against it. I guess as a foster parent, I’m used to society being up my ass about my parenting decisions and I’m fine with that.

    I get it that it can be painful when you are told you are doing something wrong with raining a kid you love, but also, that’s the whole point of a society. I think this policy would point society in the direction of making parenting become even more individualized than it already is in the US. “It takes a village” has lost all meaning in this country and we need to work towards making society feel invested in everyone’s children

    I don’t know what policies could lead to people without kids feeling more of a stake in how children are raised. Can’t think of anything realistic. It’s going to have to be a societal shift back. People don’t want to be around other people’s kids when they aren’t allowed to have any say in how those kids are parented.

    People talk about other countries where it’s not impossible for someone in the town to discipline someone else’s kid. It’s inconveniencable in the US because we treat parents as an unquestionable authority and kids are treated like property. Whatever we do, we need to figure out how to move away from hyperindividualism, greed, and selfishness being rewarded/encouraged.

    People being property and thus giving their owners an extra vote is a very republican policy now that I think about it…

  • I don’t think people will actively choose to vote for Trump over Biden in protest. I agree it isn’t going to be a race for undecided voters but rather trying to convince people to go to the polls and then actually get them to vote for Biden.

    If something g doesn’t change, I think we are going to see a huge dip in voter turn out for dems. I’m sure it’ll still be massive but the Delta between Trump turnout and Biden turnout will be historic

    There has been a lot of talk now about “what’s the plan for when trump gets reelected if we decide not to vote for Biden?”. And it’s a great question without a good answer. I’ve mentally prepared myself for Trump to win. I know that I’ll likely be one of the people who vote for Biden on election day but I also think we need to have a plan for the people who won’t fall in line.

    Conservatives are great at falling in line. Expecting liberals/leftists/etc to fall in line is a recipe for disaster.

    If I had to come up with a plan, I’d say that we should start maybe having some room for a “at least vote down ballot” message. Cause if dems significantly sweep the house/senate, maybe some checks and balances could be in place (but I won’t hold my breath). But that motivation could get people show up like how the uncommitted movement in primaries worked for driving turnout.

    I’m scared shirtless tho. I’m mentally preparing myself for a second term Trump. One other wildcard in this is that I really don’t know how gen z is gonna act. The world is real bleak for them and I think they might really intentionally decide to be accelerationists instead of being able to be motivated by harm reduction.