• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • As killer I’m addicted to aura reading builds. I am aiming for getting into chases and not losing people during them rather than defending gens. It started with Huntress and Lethal Pursuer, Darkness Revealed, Nowhere to Hide, and BBQ, but when I started doing other killers for challenges and dailies I found myself missing the auras. Sure, I could win with slowdown, but it wasn’t as fun, so I started running Lethal, NtH, BBQ, and I’m All Ears on all killers except Huntress and Trickster. I know that my only slowdown is chasing and hooking people so I expect to lose plenty and aside from certain cases (mostly lag or really BS maps) I have a lot of fun in the match even if I lose, as long as I can get some hooks. I also generally prioritize my challenges over “winning” because that’s my ultimate goal.

    My survivor is usually tailored to my challenge as that (and horrendous killer queues) is the only reason I play survivor, so I’ll go overkill healing or gens if that’s what I need to do. I don’t like playing survivor honestly. My generic build is very selfish. Lithe, Dance with Me, Quick and Quiet, and Inner Healing. This is “oh I’ve been found, let’s vault a window with tall walls and vanish during the Dance duration.” Then I walk away and leave the killer looking around the wrong structure. Yes, this gets others killed sometimes. I know, I’m an awful solo queue teammate, but at least I’m not running Bond and taking the killer to others on purpose or hiding in lockers all the time. I really do try to be on gens as much as possible, being able to completely lose the killer has allowed me to do many many gens.