• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024


  • T>T yeah…Im not allowed to have anything to do with the internet besides use a guest acc on youtube (also including the netflix and disney+ account i have (even the disney+ has a pg13 setting on it). besides my computer (which i use a school loaner computer (what im using right now) is controlled by the online school i go too and they can see everything i do on it)) i have nothing but a ps4 acc which has parental controls. Which im sure is now understandable why i have secret email acc i made (which didnt require a phone number) TwT Another reason i lost access to internet back in 2021 is because i did RP with these 2 girls as well and my mom insisted was inappropriate chatting (it was not and was never EVER 18+) but she had refused to listen to my ‘excuses’ saying it would get me into more trouble. T>T since then ive never been able to talk with anyone other then my classmates which i wouldnt do because they honestly were mean and my teacher whoever that would of been + my family T-T