Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]

Resident Orkonomist, Advisor to Da Kommitte, and Hobbyist Teef Collector
Ask me 'bout Permanent WAAAAAGH!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • You are welcome!


    I was looking at builds last night to find a specific recommendation for you, and this is very close to the build I used to farm items a while ago. It’s a safe build for beginners; doesn’t really require any gear until endgame and between the necromancer’s pet skills and the shaman’s survivability buffs you should have minimal problems up until the point damage types and resistances starts becoming more important.

    I recommend doing 1 character just fucking around and trying what looks interesting, then running with something like this to act as your farming character. Like I said before, once you start getting mid to late game gear you get to start playing with the really funky stuff like damage conversions that kick the door open for real wild build possibilities. It makes some stuff that on its face seem unintuitive like a combination of a Fire-damage based Oathkeeper with a Frost-damage based Nightblade and turns them into an Acid-damage based Dervish like this. The Noob-friendly build I posted at the top makes use of converting your pet’s physical damage to aether damage; but fortunately this is something you can get access to comparatively early, the first major boss has a decent chance of dropping your first build-enabling item.

    I dunno if there are any other big fans of the game here, but you can feel free message me with questions later on if you’d like.

  • The Mastery system allows you to take a pair of skill trees to make a bunch of cool combos. For your first character you should just play around with whatever looks interesting, because alot of builds are fully activated by gear bonuses. You’ll probably have a decent collection of purple gear by the time you finish the initial story and you can use that to determine what you want to do next.

    I recommend maybe some kind of pet build to start, so maybe build your first character as something like a conjurer (Shaman & Occultist) or Cabalist (Necromancer & Occultist.) You can search around online for some of MayaGD’s pet builds to help you out, but like I said your first play-through will really be more about learning the game and building a gear collection to make other more interesting builds possible later.

    As far as a favorite builds go one I keep coming back to but haven’t made work out very well yet is a Deciever (Occultist & Inquisitor) built for guns and curses