LaughingLion [any, any]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2020


  • same i dont think ive ever felt any real romantic attraction to a big hairy guy but then again ive been involved in a monogamous relationship for almost 20 years now so its not like i spent a ton of time in scenarios where i was around guys like that trying to rizz me up or whatever

    im generally attracted to the feminine in a traditional way (my love has curves and all that) but i can see the beauty in almost all people so i think were i single id be out there just leaving the door ajar in my heart for whatever came my way and felt right and i think the world is better the more of us can do that

    realizing the worst thing that could happen is you figure out its not for you and then just move on is liberating not just in love but in a lot of other things in life too

  • Always avoided it. Have lost a few friends to it directly or they died for other reasons that are junkie related. My heart goes out to you and your struggle. I’ve witnessed this struggle and understand it as much as a non-junkie can.

    I want to say, however, not to mourn your past self. We all have a past self. Sometimes our past self was better in many ways. My past selves were more naive but also more open and more trusting. More optimistic. It’s okay. Who we are today is not who we will be tomorrow. Change comes for us all and there is no stopping it. Find positive change and try and embrace that. Fight for it, even, because with addiction it won’t come easily or for free.

    I also want to say that most of my friends also probably thought nobody cared when they were ODing. I remember them. Who they were. Who they became. I miss them. They meant something to me and others. Even people I knew who passed who weren’t friends. People I spent time with in activist spaces. One name comes to mind. She was a beacon of light and now gone. I don’t think she knew people would travel over 1000 miles to go to her funeral. That it would be attended by local leaders, homeless, sex workers, and family all.

    There are people out there for you. Waiting on you. They are willing to accept whatever is left if you can find the strength to do the work. I think you have the strength. I believe in you. Whatever is left when you succeed is good enough. You just have to get through it.

  • Is this not a leftist space? People in this space makes these assumptions. Women in this space. But more so I see leftist content creators even well known feminists discuss this and their opinion is no better than a tradwife content creator. It really is an assumption.

    But these issues even persist into relationships among leftist couples; well beyond the public acquaintance or courting stages. The lack of communication skills transcends the reasons you give. Like I said, I feel both men and women are pretty poor with communication in general. I don’t really think one is worse than the other. I think on the emotional availability though, men are getting a lot of flak when really they are doing much better than is commonly said.