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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023

  • I plan to use mine as my only computer once the growing pains/BSODs I’ve been having are figured out. Another nice benefit will be that it’s insanely efficient by comparison, drawing less under full load than your old CPU alone and far, far less under idle/light use conditions.

    You can always add in an eGPU dock down the line if you want some more graphics power, too (though keep in mind that’s more viable for a current gen midrange card since the data bandwidth becomes more of a bottleneck toward high end cards). A nice benefit of that will be that you can dock up with only a single cable for graphics, power and peripherals, too, and so far with my GPD G1 (also AMD based), I’ve found I can just hotplug it without any issues which is super convenient - it may be a bit more convoluted if you’re running an Nvidia based card in your enclosure, but I can’t say for sure.

  • The AMD variant is still very unstable. I’ve seen more than a few people speak about repeated bluescreening, in my own case with no discernable cause (no dump files being generated).

    When it works, it’s seriously amazing between the performance, battery life and noiseless operation under day to day use. But it is a first gen product. On the chassis and handling side, I’m extremely happy, though I would have preferred a 14" 16:10 display but that one is a preference thing - the 3:2 is still very nice, if with a pretty high latency.

    I hope they manage to figure it out and make the platform stable sooner rather than later because I want this to be my only computer, and the only thing stopping it is the growth issues. Wouldn’t have minded if they’d kept it in the oven a while longer to figure it out tbh.

  • I do wish the screen was 16:10, if just for the fact that there are more panels available in that form factor for Framework to choose from (especially touch or high refresh rates, creative-tailored displays etc).

    3:2, I’ve only seen on the Surface Laptop elsewhere on the market and I don’t expect Framework will soon command the volumes to get bespoke panels made for themselves. The same goes for other accessories like bags and privacy screen filters.