• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • counterpunch has extreme left bias according to media bias fact check site

    Though professing to support a two-state solution, Harris has repeatedly refused to make any distinction between criticisms of the Israeli occupation and colonization in the West Bank and attacks on Israel itself.

    That doesn’t prove in ANY WAY that she is a blatant supporter of genocide, jesus fucking christ.

    Harris has repeatedly refused to make any distinction between criticisms of the Israeli occupation

    an easily proven lie

    that article even quotes the intercept

    Unlike some of her counterparts in the Senate, she has not publicly made any demands of Israel or Netanyahu regarding the human rights of Palestinians.

    and yet: https://www.reuters.com/world/us-vp-harris-urges-israeli-government-do-more-boost-aid-into-gaza-2024-03-03/

    ** U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris bluntly called out Israel on Sunday for not doing enough to ease a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza as the Biden administration faces increasing pressure to rein in its close ally while it wages war with Hamas militants.**

    Harris, speaking in front of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, where state troopers beat U.S. civil rights marchers nearly six decades ago, called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urged Hamas to accept a deal to release hostages in return for a 6-week cessation of hostilities. But she directed the bulk of her comments at Israel in what appeared to be the sharpest rebuke yet by a senior leader in the U.S. government over the conditions in the coastal enclave.

    “People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane and our common humanity compels us to act,” Harris said at an event to commemorate the 59th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” in Alabama. “The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses,” Harris said. Her comments reflected intense frustration, if not desperation, within the U.S. government about the war, which has hurt President Joe Biden with left-leaning voters as he seeks re-election this year.

    oh but she totally is blatantly supporting the genocide!!!

    edit: yes, downvote me for bringing you inconvenient truths that don’t fall within your little narrative.

  • Fades@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldTesla Sales Drop 17% in California
    5 days ago

    I get this, but also it’s stupid when you realize many of those drivers purchased before Elon’s foray into far right bullshit. For a long time elon leaned left (barely) and those buying teslas were investing in alternates motivated by things like climate/fossil fuel usage

    What are they supposed to do, simply buy a new car lest they be considered an automatic asshole? Judge the Cyberstuck morons sure, but judging anyone with a Tesla isn’t great

    Now with that being said, I also judge Tesla drivers lol

  • why it’s on our REPRESENTATIVES to convince the masses to show up

    Yes they have a lot of responsibility here but so does every single eligible-to-vote goddamn citizen. It is your DUTY to participate and vote because if you do not it REDUCES YOUR OWN REPRESENTATION which is quite literally the opposite of why this nation was born in the first place.

    You present voting as if it is a quid-pro-quo transaction, and to an extent you’re not that far off; party A thinks they can lead better than B and advertises the things they want to do to bring in support. Party A pushes x/y/z policies that voters care about and thus Party A earns votes over B. They are not owed any votes.

    That’s all very well and good in a vacuum but we don’t live in a sterile little box and instead we live in a messy blurry complex setting full of voters and non-voters (further offsetting the true voice of the people). Your little story of how voting must be earned by being both enticing/motivating and be easy enough to not be cumbersome in any way does not translate well to reality. We have blatant corruption and we almost lost our democracy in 2020 as Trump planned to simply stay in power, I could go on, but won’t because you are clearly aware of these things.

    It is no longer just about party A’s policies vs party B’s. It’s quite literally a fight for the future of US democracy, it’s a fight for SCOTUS control for generations, it’s so much more than just the Pres.

    But they don’t even do that. Let’s pretend the abortion issue is Denny’s free breakfast day. Democrats would be saying “IF you don’t come wait in line outside the Denny’s for 2 hours in high enough numbers, we’re going to cancel the ‘bring a coupon for free breakfast that day’ event we do every year.”

    ONE PARTY is focused on gerrymandering and disenfranchising voters, making voting as hard as possible, and another has been focused on the opposite. You are balancing your little story on the premise that the Rs and Ds set up a bad system that is a pain in the ass for the average voter to get what they want, when that isn’t what is happening at all. No D is saying well you weren’t willing to wait in line to vote or drop off your ballot or whatever so fuck you we’re quitting the rest of the race or the next race or whatever, or even saying well fuck you we won’t run on these policies again.

    IT IS THE OTHER PARTY WHO ATTACKS VOTING from all angles, making it harder, mixing up districts to silence opposition strongholds, etc.

    And with that, we see exactly why your condescending little rant has no real application to reality; it’s wholly unrepresentative to the complex situation we find ourselves in. Is Dennys run by two competing factions? Is one of those two factions trying to silence worker and customer majorities to uphold their minority views and hunger for power, causing as much chaos as possible to stop progress when they don’t hold the reins? By the way, in that bullshit fake scenario, the Rs would be the ones trying to take away the free breakfast because too many customers come and eat for free.

    YES THE POLITICIAN$ HOLD A LOT OF THE BLAME (most of it, even), but THAT DOES NOT MEAN that the people hold no responsibility of the outcome. If you don’t vote when you are able, you are unamerican and are hurting yourself along with everyone else. You should not be withholding your vote waiting for someone to come take it on a silver platter. If you live in this country and you can legally vote, YOU HAVE A DUTY TO YOURSELF AND THE REST OF US TO VOTE.

    Your comment is so fucking self-centered and shortsighted it’s honestly disgusting.

  • You’re not right you fucking moron, so much so that he’s literally running for pres again, that’s how not right you are you fucking idiot.

    spent a fair bit of time in 2020 telling my friends that Biden wouldn’t make it all the way to the end of his term.

    god that’s pathetic, a fair bit of time? You just hounding your peeps begging them to listen to your Biden-will-die-in-office theories? Lord knows they know just how fucking braindead you are.