ComradeWizardmon [none/use name]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 days ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2024


  • Finished downloading .iso, burning with rufus now - while I wait:

    You know I thought I was good with computers before I starter lurking Hexbear, even back when we were there just wasn’t that much tech stuff I actually saw - and I thought this mainly cause “I am a child who is unafraid to poke things until they work, also I am willing to read even if I don’t understand what I am reading”, you know “I got CFW on my PSP 1000 by cutting a salder in the battery I am so cool!” kind of thing lol. Small exposure to FOSS people made me go “Oh right, knowing things about computers is being the people who make those tools so even I can use one” +

    I am posting my various tech woes tonight not for help, cause if I wanted help I’d be making actual posts and waiting for busier hours, but because I enjoy the thought someone who knows something about computers is reading my posts going “What the absolute fuck is she talking about?”

    Literally, I dunno. I am poking things until my pc stops crashing, lol. This usually works eventually.

    Yay, win 11 disk is done. Ah hell, back to win 11. I forget why but I know I hated it.

  • Okay Minecraft just runs…so much better in PopOS, right out of the box, drivers baked right in. I was getting similar FPS except without the micro-stutter and all but the ram usage stayed around the 4gb default cap instead of crashing immediately if I didn’t raise it, and continuing to crash soon even at 16gb which is more ram that it has any reason to have. Like 8gb is the most MC could reasonably need right?

    I’m back on my windows install to do two things:

    First, accept that the 7800XT may be too new a card to function properly with win 10

    Second, back everything up, handcopy passwords and stuff, and install win 11 instead of 10 as well as prep for a fuller migration to Linux. We’re dual booting because, if nothing else, installing pirated repacks on windows and then just using them in linux is easier than installing them there, and also cause I’m still pretty worried I’ma make linux explode. I accidentally deleted the GUI trying to install a fitgirl game last time I tried linux (mint that time, I think).

    Again, wish me luck, lol.

  • forward: This is jsut a ramble cause we seem to agree or close enough and I took the chance to vent about politics shit stressing me lol

    The Bernie years, for me, were “This guy is just offering New Deal white supremacy again and they still would kill everyone before letting him win”

    I don’t say that to be some ultra “I’m the one true leftist” because I voted for him too, had to write him in for even the primary in 2020 cause Texas but I get having hope cause I did, too, even when it was over. I got on with Bernie people both times he ran because it was hope for something even a tiny bit better. But that’s what he was. That’s why a small segment of the liberal opposition could say with a straight face there were racism and sexism problems in his base. . . because there is in any base which can bring itself to support any American politician. The Warren people were right, too “He’s basically the same so vote for the woman”, he was, he is, they agree on almost everything except Bernie can be really excellent at appealing to people by sounding good in the way we’re more likely to recognize and not think is condescending faff.

    Biden is just . … he’s a stereotype, I mean all successful politicians are archetypal characters more than people, but he’s every segregationist Democrat who loves 50s nostalgia I’ve ever met. He’s a young dad in the 1970s going to a Grease party because that’s how he wants to remember the 50s.

    I dunno if there ever was a world where Bernie could have been FDR 2.0 - he didn’t have the class connections which made FDR possible, but that’s not the path our timeline took, possible or not.

  • Holy heck, I wrote a long post basically saying “Thank you, but sorry to say I am not clever enough” cause I tried cmd, powershell, installing and then running python from the folder which gave me a terminal sorta deal, and a .bat.

    but, then it occurred to me to try .py (had to google “what is .bat but for python” ) and presto you did the thing, well done. It worked and thank you. I, entirely undeservedly, feel like a genius. XD

    I appreciate your effort bud and, tangentially, you have now seen an example of why many people “can’t” use Linux. I don’t even know what “run this” means, even if you do all the work I don’t know the literal first thing, took me quite a lot of thought to get there lol.

    P.S. I won’t be surprised in the least if a text file renamed to .py wasn’t even the intended execution and I missed something obvious. I am not tech savvy. I am child willing to push buttons until something happens.

  • I wouldn’t be surprised if it is easy to automate but I don’t code. titles used to be “Episode # [title]” and are now “[title] (E#)” for regular and “Premium Episode # [title]” and are now “[title] (Premium E#)” for the patreon feed.

    e.g. “American Exorcists feat Sam Kestenbaum (E292).mp3” vs “Episode 258 Pilled in the Peak District (Part1).mp3”

    It doesn’t take that long to “fix”, just my brain won’t let me just pop the numbers on the front and let it go, gotta paste Episode or Premium Episode to the front cause all the others are like that and then delete the end numbers XD. Brains are funny sometimes.

  • Unthinkable? I don’t think so.

    I think the main thing that’s becoming obvious in the past 8 years is that the Obama years were an illusion. He was politically progressive, sure, but what he was progressive towards was an increasingly brutal fascist empire, just like every one else.

    People who think the racists left the Democratic party with Reagan have been demonstrably proven wrong over, and over, and over since Clinton, they just never quite quit telling the lie.

    The presumption the Democrats are even mildly less racist because of their love of meritocracy, solely when rich citizens of the US are concerned, even with all those qualifiers it’s wrong. The Democrats are who they were when I was a kid here in Texoma - the people who wouldn’t vote for a Republican because they’re the party of the rich, the north, and cause of the Civil War (y’all should meet my papa sometime, it’d change how you see this country).

    I don’t really have a coherent way to distill the country as I see it compared to the constant pretense Democrats are different than the republicans in any fashion apart from the exact manner in which they’re vile condescending villains, but the sooner the left stops talking about progressives like that’s something anyone should be, the better. CAuse they sure as hell ain’t what you think they are, I don’t care if they kinda-sorta-maybe-implied they might be okay with an anti-racist policy sometime far in the future. Besides which, Liberals are conservatives now, in the literal sense. They are the reactionary party. Fascism isn’t a reaction to Capital in crisis - it’s a revolutionary expansionist project. What people mean by fascism when they call it reactionary is just when fascism starts killing white people. Fascism is real long, long before then.

    What scares me lately is, since Biden, the Blue MAGA insurgency in the Democrats are going ham as well. I don’t really think America needs a conservative party, but we’re about to have two revolutionary parties, both worse than the present. Hell, maybe we already do and it’s just hard to tell how much it’s changed while the changes are still happening.