• 76 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • This is such a great analogy. All of my adult life I’ve listened to people removed about how horrible HOAs are…and also people go running to complain to the HOA the instant a neighbor does something they don’t like. It’s funny how people want it both ways. “Rules for thee, not for me” is a contagion I guess.

  • The tech bros very much need to be reigned in, but I understand a nuanced approach is necessary because it’s an area where the US is still somewhat competitive, and millions of jobs are on the line.

    As for Lina Khan, I hope Kamala Harris, if elected, will give her full support on Khan’s investigation into PBMs. Pharmacy Benefits Managers are one of the primary reasons prescription drugs are outrageously expensive. And up until recently, most Americans didn’t even know they exist.

    Both Big Tech and Big Pharma need much stronger regulations and oversight by the feds.