if you already had an account it’s limited to 600api calls. Twitter blue increases that to 6000api calls. and you can no longer browse without an account which ironically caused Twitter to ddos itself
don’t worry it is
new accounts are limited by 300
wait so if a penguin commits war crimes how do you hang them
you couldn’t like just… use paint for backrgound and amogus PNG?
it’s far easier to manually update Nvidia drivers in recovery mode. Although still very painful and just wait for repository release
Don’t make the same mistake I did and get it with a good CPU. Good CPU bad GPU far outweights good GPU bad CPU
just download it on floppy disks dummy
I once tried to save a file as zcxzx and it already existed
such spell is beyond my strength
You can still wear it if you try hard enough
the hell are you talking about